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Old 11-28-2008, 07:04 AM
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niloc16 niloc16 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: mission,bc
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niloc16 is on a distinguished road

no disrespect man and dont take this the wrong way but you need to listen more to the reefers that have hands on experience then what books and scientists say. you asked for advice and we are not salesmen and store owners so we are not trying up sell you on anything. one thing you DONT wanna cheap out on is lighting. i have wasted WAY too much money tryin to do stuff the cheap way and trust me it has cost me ten times more then it should have. yeah sure you can use tap water, just keep your bioload WAY down otherwise in a couple months you will be on here asking for advice on how to get rid of your hair algae and turf algae and every other nuisance algae out there.

my tank setup
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