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Old 11-14-2008, 08:14 PM
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Can you give me a rough timeline? Originally it was posted that they would be released in January. I know Fauna Marin has had some issues with delayed releases in the past.

As far as GrimReefer's "testing" goes I'd forget it. If you look back on the history of the "testing" done by Hahn and Grim on RC you'll see that they've made so many mistakes that it's impossible to draw any conclusions from their results. For instance, Grim recently found that he wasn't properly handling the T5 lamps correctly and providing sufficient settling and burn-in time when testing the lamps. Prior to that he reported that ATI lamps had "the best" PAR. Now he's having to re-evaluate things. Additionally, he and Hahnmeister incorrectly assumed that T5 lamps required cooling along the length of the lamp. Now they (and we) know that there's a cold spot that needs cooling and nothing else. They also thought that keeping things as cool as possible was the best idea - now they know that overcooling the lamp drops its output.

That's why I laugh when hobbyists perform "tests" of things. Unfortunately those "tests" lack adequate control and often lack sufficient validity. To this point the only test results I'm at all interested in seeing are those by Sanjay if he ever publishes them.
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