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Old 08-21-2008, 03:27 AM
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PoonTang PoonTang is offline
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Originally Posted by christyf5 View Post
I dunno, routinely my tank sits at about 78-79. The tank has gone up to 85 a couple of times this summer when the chiller fuse has blown and I haven't had any losses. Too hot = when it feels like bathwater. Usually I put my hand in and go ahhhh, nice. When its too hot I go argggh! stupid chiller! you suck!!!! and my husband rolls his eyes

The bleaching doesn't necessarily occur as the temp rises, sometimes it occurs on the way back to cool. Depends on how fast/slow you "fix" the temperature issue.
Yes, my tank normally sits around 79 like yours but gets up to 82 during the day when the MH is on. Hit 85 3 days in a row last week but no sign of harm so far. I reeeealllly dont want to run a chiller if i can get away with it.
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