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Old 03-10-2008, 10:25 PM
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Originally Posted by bassman View Post
I don't think that it's undersized. I have a total water volume of approx. 150 gallons. The heater element is 500 watts.

Is 500 watts enough?

I am thinking of buying 4 -250 watt Stealth heaters, running 2 of them off of the Aquamedic controller and two of them separate just in case the wonderful controller decided to crap out one day. I would set the two backup heaters 1 degree lower than the Aquamedic controller. That way they would not come on unless the controller stopped working.

I am one of those people that will get up 15 times a night to check on the tank if I am not confident that everything is working 100%, yes I am a freak. LOL

I am hoping to find something outside the realm of aquarium heaters that really kicks *ss and is totally reliable, something like a spa heater? My hot tub is always bang on, 24/7, 365, surely somebody can make something reliable for our fish tanks. This is a joke. I have wasted more money on heaters than any other peice of equipment, including Halide bulbs.

IMO Tronic makes the best heaters my 300watt has been going 5 years
as a general rule of thumb 2 heaters is best (incase one fails) also you know you are big enough when you are running 1 watt per gallon so for 150 gallons you should have 150 watts
always just 2cents until im broke
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