Originally Posted by kari
Cats are inferior to dogs.
Cats dig in their litter box and then walk on your food preparation surfaces.
This is why you coat the counters with honey and powdered habeneros or other hot as hell concoctions... little buggers learn real quick, got so sick of the damn cats jumping on the counters the second you turn your back, and they damn well know they are not allowed to cuz when you turn and face them(even with a smile on your face) they run for cover cuz they know they are not supposed to be there. Zeus(my great dane)is not allowed to enter the kitchen, and I can put a steak on the floor by his bed and he will stare at it, but he knows its not his to touch unless I say so.....
Im not sure if "cats are inferior to dogs" is the proper statement...???
but they sure are dissobedient,vindictive,sly little buggers
