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Old 01-02-2008, 05:46 AM
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Originally Posted by fkshiu View Post
To be fair, Tunze seems to be have been quite good about warranties and poor Roger Vitko has been handing out free replacement parts like a candy on Halloween. One reason why I waited until now to get a 6055 is because it appears that the build quality issues have finally been worked out on the nanostreams. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Yes, they do have very good warranties, but it's still a royal pain in the butt to have to wait for a replacement/repair. I'm not sure if they've ciphered out the build problems, but I am hoping you are right. They'll get it figured eventually.

Personally, I want my powerheads on full blast all the time, so I have no urge to spend that amount of cash on a variable speed powerhead. The modded and magnetted MaxiJets work for me.
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

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