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Old 01-02-2008, 04:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
I worked for a short period at an LFS recently, and there were a TON of Tunze Nanostream returns. There was literally a HUGE box filled with them to go back on warranty work. Some of them ARE noisy, and need to be replaired, some break the propellers. I won't buy one. The Koralias are great for smaller tanks with thinner glass.
Which is why I wouldn't buy a USED nanostream. Tunze obviously didn't do proper beta testing on the nanostreams until after the raft of returns on the first few batches of nanostreams. I've been watching the saga unfold over the last year or so on the Tunze forum over on RC.

To be fair, Tunze seems to be have been quite good about warranties and poor Roger Vitko has been handing out free replacement parts like a candy on Halloween. One reason why I waited until now to get a 6055 is because it appears that the build quality issues have finally been worked out on the nanostreams. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. So far I'm quite pleased with the 6055 - a bit pricey at $200 even on Boxing Day, but I already had a Tunze 6000 and wanted something to work in conjunction with that - meaning true variable speed control in a small package.

BTW, 30 secs with a Dremel tool on part of a nanostream's shroud will allow you to get at least another few hundred GPH out of them.
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