Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic
I noticed you're also using the Seaclone on a sps tank. Good luck with that. SPS like almost nutrient-free water quality, which you probably won't get long term with this brand of skimmer. Overskimming, not underskimming, is the general rule of thumb with sps.
Ok what skimmer would you suggest that is under 200$ Ther probably isent any that will make the cut for sps. I will look on the local Craigslist and on canreef and hope to find something.
10g softie and LPS tank(SPS soon

) coralife 28w 50/50 rio nano skimmer
Live stock
-1 Pulsing xinia
- Green candy cane
- green zoas
- Fake percula clown
- Diadem dottyback

adding a 70w MH with 8 LED