surcharge Cancelled
It is funny how this has sparked a controversy.
It is getting to be counter-productive, so I am going to try to put this to rest.
What I have learnt out of this is that obviously I am too honest and trustworthy of people.
Number one mistake is that, yes, I was trusting of people when I had put my money away into a envelop into a money box on my counter. Obviously that was a big mistake and trust me, I paid dearly for it. Maybe I should start hiding my stereo system, the big screen TV, or my laptop when people come in so that they aren't tempted by that either.
Second, I was honest with people and told them that, because of this loss, I was going to temporary increase the prices to compensate for the loss. I would have obviously been better off to just increase the prices with no clear indication as to why.
If you think that places like big Al's don't have to compensate for theft with their pricing, you are living in a dream world. They just call it overheard verses what it is really for - theft of merchandise.
It is always about the bottom line, and let me tell ya, it wil probably take about 3 months for me to even break even again with this fish business because of this lodd.
I have 2 businesses and I work fulltime in the army. I spend the most amount of time on this fish stuff and yet I receive the least amount of compensation back for it.
I do this because I love this hobby.
Because of this love of this hobby, I am going to cancel the 10 Percent Surcharge. Thankfully I make more than enough money elsewhere that this isn't going to make me lose my house because the 1000.00 bucks was my mortgage payment.
Ultimately, this isn't about the money to me. (a thousand bucks ain't going to make or break me, which is why I am cancelling the surcharge.) It is about the fact that I have learnt that I can't trust people. It is about the fact that there is now a air of suspicion around people that shouldn't have it on them. That is what gets me.
thanks again for those that showed support and for those that showed me the opposite side of things as well. everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
BTW, as an aside.
1. Yes, I do have house insurance for a small business.
2. I did contact the police and was basically told that it wasn't worth the time to fill out the paperwork. They aren't going to fingerprint for a 1000.00 bucks and even that probably wouldn't show anything.
3. Anyone that did pay the 10 percent, I will compensate you that money back, just contact me and we will sort it out.
thanks for reading
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP
Last edited by howdy20012002; 02-05-2007 at 07:01 PM.