I'll chime in here but you have to remember that I build my system to be as self sufficient as possible and I don't dabble in expensive (okay really expensive) or really fragile livestock. I don't overload on Bio producers and I have a huge cleaning crew (approx 100 hermits and 80 snails, not including the ones breeding in the rock)
I have a lot of liverock. 140lb in a 90 gal tank with 15-20 gal sump. I think that is the most important part. I have two 250W MH lights with parabolic reflectors. I change 10-15 % water once a month. I use filtered well water which is already high in calcium. I have a sump and a SEIO pump in the tank. Water flow is as essential as liverock. I would not run without a skimmer and I got a bubble king from Snappy that is trouble free.
I add nothing as a general rule. The minor water changes keep everything pretty much up. I add calcium if my coral growth rate seems slow (I do measure first) and magnesium if my KH is too high, which my well water seems to contribute to.
I have recently been running a 50 micron filter in the sump for esthetics, keeping the water clear.
I have macro algea growth in the tank which seems to keep phospates down.
Basically I like to have a functioning ecosystem. And it works for me.
I feed the eleven fish I have only twice a week and only about a quarter sized frozen piece of mysis. And some Nori on no real schedule.
It works for me, but only after a lot of learning and a lot of research.
It really does take a lot of work to be this lazy.
This all started with a ten gallon and two clowns.
Last edited by Myanth; 01-19-2007 at 01:04 AM.