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Old 01-18-2007, 02:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Snappy View Post
I think much depends on what kind of reef you want to keep. I find with my own setup the more equipment I add the better it seems to get, but I have a very crowded sps dominated reef. Now that said, I think one of my better additions lately was adding a refugium and it's very uncomplicated. However, in my limited experience softies & lps are a lot less demanding so require less equipment. So as mentioned it depends a lot on what kind of reef you want to maintain. Below is a photo of the top half of my tank and there is no way I can keep it healthy without a sump and skimmer.
Ok I'll bite . Sps aren't that demanding of fancy equipment. Here is an old pic of my 75g, sumpless, 2 175w metal halides, 3 maxijets and a Prism Pro Hob protien skimmer. This picture was taken just before I took it down.

300g tank
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