Originally Posted by Flusher
That'll do it, I'm sure. Even a 15 long should be good.
I missed this earlier. Dwarf Puffers are one of the FW-only species.
So when you said this you were refering to FW puffers? I was under the impression you were refering to the valentini puffer- saltwater. What would you consider a good sized tank for a full grown valentini?
Has anyone ever heard of a puffer being raised to leave corals alone? Maybe I can keep him in the 10 gal- and slowly add coral frags from my 55 gal reef (all soft corals in there). Then if he proves to be ok the whole issue of not having a big enough tank for him wont be an issue anymore. Anyone heard of any success stories of puffers who can be raised to be reef safe? My reef is mostly zoos and palys so wouldnt the palytoxin keep him away from the zoos?