Since Canada became a country, including BC, BC has been paying the lions share to support most of the country. The maritimes did thier share untill all thier natural fishing stocks were exploited.
AB has had nothing untill recently, after FEDERAL $$ was poured into the backyard of the smug King Klein & his folowers, untill thankfully something worth value, oil was found.
Agriculture? Farmers have been subsidised for YEARS.
Wood, electricity, minerals? Nope, we have it all over here in BC.
Cattle? HO HO HO.
Oil? If the Liberals in BC get thier way and we go into the Queen Charlottes, BC will have 60% - 80% more then AB. WE have a bit of our own already!
Parks? Not when you need your own wood supply!
See how getting goods into AB is without a single ocean port. (See central african countries). Watch all your new found $$ slip away into the monopolies formed by your new land locked state.
Oh and good luck getting clean drinking water when everyone pours thier waste into what used to be thier neibours back yard, but now is a hostile neibour.
Now some of these Albertans, all up high on thier horses want to run take thier ball and run away on thier own, as thier superiority permits them to do?
That is probably the single most ignorant, disgusting thing I have heard, and if most Albertans sincerely feel this way, them becoming a country on thier own would be a good thing. Even if 90% of my family is Albertan. I mean really what do you expect from a province headed for years by a guy with a grade 6 education.
I would rather BC be annexed by the US, bow and kiss Bush's ass, join the army and get killed in Iraq then be grouped with above said Albertans.
Have a nice day and don't fall face first into and cow pies