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Old 01-23-2018, 10:05 PM
st0rmtr000pa st0rmtr000pa is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Surrey
Posts: 32
st0rmtr000pa is on a distinguished road
Default Update

So today I went and picked up a 100 pounds of Dry Macro Rock from J&L. I decided to go the dry rock route because I don't want to deal with any pests or bad types of algae. Has anyone had any good or bad experiences with this rock? I've heard good and bad so far. I hear they can leach phosphates? But others claim that it doesn't? I thought I may also have to pick up more than a 100 pounds but I took it all out of the boxes and it look like more than enough. Now I am going to through it in a garbage can for at least a month and let it cycle. Anyone know where to get Prodibio?

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