Sept POTM - Symbiotic Relationships
The POTM is back after a short summer break. Blow the dust off those cameras people!!
Sept's POTM theme is "Symbiotic Relationships". There are many examples of Symbiotic Relationships on a coral reef and in our reef tanks at home. Examples could be... Clownfish/Anemone, Cleaner Shrimp/Fish, Pistol Shrimp/Gobies... Grab your camera and take some shots of these types of relationships in your tank. I think I speak for all when I say this is a fascinating subject!! As usual, all submissions, have to be taken by the member and resized to a 640X480 resolution. Please submit photos to seamonkey68@gmail.com We are accepting submissions until Sept 20th. Voting will take place Sept 21st to 30th. Good luck all! Last edited by Delphinus; 10-22-2007 at 09:09 PM. |
Oh... and Drew. I hope this answers your question in the other thread...
http://www.canreef.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=35083 |
Nice! Can't wait to see the photos.
And yeah, thanks--does answer my question |
Submitted my pic, hopefully you got it!
65 gallon tank, 3 gallon refugium, 90lbs LR, 50 lbs live sand, Coralife Super Skimmer 125, 24" 250 watt DE Pendant w/14K Hamilton. 1 ocellaris clowns,1 Tomini Tang, 6 line wrasse, 12 turbo grazer snails, 12 nassarius snails, 12 Cerith. Open Brain, Metallic Green Brain, candy cane coral, 1 enchino frags, and 2 maxima clam. |
Edited the original post..
We decided to allow multiple entries per member. So if you have been struggling over which photo to submit...Now you can submit them both!! |
reminder time!
Christy's Reef Blog My 180 Build Every electronic component is shipped with smoke stored deep inside.... only a real genius can find a way to set it free. |