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Old 12-11-2016, 06:48 PM
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From what I understand the camera itself uses a JPEG scream and the Apex is pointed at the stream. Apex streams as multiple photos not a video stream which contributes to the downward change in quality.

You can google your camera model + mjpeg support for how to do so.

It's mounted in between 4 way return on the left side behind the panel.

If someone did devote resources to hacking it they could move the camera to see other in tank angles and maybe the seam on the front left corner. It's intentionally positioned that you can't see anything but into the tank. I had my thinking cap on for that one.

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Old 12-11-2016, 06:55 PM
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Originally Posted by michika View Post
From what I understand the camera itself uses a JPEG scream and the Apex is pointed at the stream. Apex streams as multiple photos not a video stream which contributes to the downward change in quality.

You can google your camera model + mjpeg support for how to do so.

It's mounted in between 4 way return on the left side behind the panel.

If someone did devote resources to hacking it they could move the camera to see other in tank angles and maybe the seam on the front left corner. It's intentionally positioned that you can't see anything but into the tank. I had my thinking cap on for that one. Also, I pity the fool that wastes time doing so. Unless you like the pretty fishes then uh...yeah.

It's worth it for peace of mind when away. I like to sign in at meal time to make sure everyone is ok in my absence. I also pull up the link at work sometimes when I need a break from contentious stuff.

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Old 12-12-2016, 05:37 AM
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I'm struggling to find bulk magnesium of a quality I'd trust to put in my tank. And on top of that in large enough quantities to satisfy my tank's thirst. I wish I could go to the local grocery store and just load up on bath salts.

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Old 12-15-2016, 02:10 PM
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I ripped out piles of gsp this week. It was satisfying. Moving into polyps shortly. I can't wait to purge my tank of these.

Bonus find is all the galaxy colonies I have growing. I'll have to set them up a space in my refugium so I can sell/trade them off to new homes.

I'm also now on my third attempt to catch the emperor. It's time for him to move on from the tank, but the problem is he knows what's going down so he's become extra good at hiding. One day...

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Old 12-15-2016, 04:36 PM
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I had to remove a butterfly fish from my big tank recently. I knew from the time I put him in that I would have trouble when it was time to get him out, but I needed him to serve a purpose (which he did well) so I tried to ride it out as long as I could, but it became time this fall. I had to use the clear birdnetting that you sometimes see used for tank lids. I had to cover the rocks and close off all the gaps and caves. I ended up using all of it and it still took me 1.5 hours but eventually he was cornered and had no further escape route.

Or you could try a fish trap. The way I have my tank in my wall without front access means I can't use a trap to remove fish from my big tank. But otherwise those are said to work well..
-- Tony
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Old 12-22-2016, 01:37 PM
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It may be fishtrap time soon.

But on the bright side I've reduced my GSP colony and started removing button polyps.

I was also able to remove one of the plastic covers as my clams have now affixed their feet. I'm hoping to get a few things done before January on the cleaning and reorganizing front.

I also found bulk magnesium, just waiting on my shipment to arrive.

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Old 12-23-2016, 06:08 PM
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Where did you end up getting the Magnesium? I grew weary myself of trying to source enough so I switched to Walmart and Canadian Tire about 6 months ago. Bath salts for the sulfate and sidewalk ice melter for the chloride (I did research what brands people were using.) So far I haven't noticed anything bad but a part of me keeps thinking "this is bath salts and sidewalk ice melter". So I'm curious about alternatives still.
-- Tony
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Old 12-24-2016, 03:54 PM
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Default is a sponsor on here I think...I get my chems (all three) from Tim. Can't complain about the quality at all. I think I did 5kg of each last time and he greyhounded it to me.

290g Peninsula Display, 425g total volume. Setup Jan 2013.
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Old 01-30-2017, 06:27 PM
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I ordered the Schlobster version from J&L. So far very pleased with the quality.

Hazy Jan 29, 2017 end shot

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Old 01-30-2017, 07:05 PM
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Fwiw, Aquaforest has Mg chloride in pails. They are 4 or 5kg.
~ Mindy

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