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Old 06-20-2013, 02:26 PM
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Originally Posted by reefermadness View Post
I agree Brad, you can't assume that everyone is honest or even that everyone with a pest even knows that they have it.

It just seemed like the attitude was a shady seller was getting a pass and all the emphasis put on the buyer. The buyer needs to be diligent for sure but we should also encourage good honest selling IMO.
I did speak to the seller, who said he did not know, and that he felt really bad and withdrew the items for sale. Without knowing otherwise, we have to assume that's reasonably true, and it just bothers me to see a post attacking someone when we don't have all the facts. No mention of whether anyone that bought frags contacted him for a refund or resolution, outcome of that contact if it happened, etc. It was just a lynch mob post, and I think the seller has to be assumed innocent until proven otherwise. I've bought frags from several top members here that had pests of some sort, and imagine if I posted something like this as a first response. It would ruin the reputation of the member, it would cause a thread much like this and at the end of the day, nothing good would have come from it. I would have also lost friends in the process.
If situations like this occur, it's best to contact the staff to discuss, and if we see it as a benefit to the board, we'll contact the seller and post a PSA if needed. Assembling a mob and fetching a rope is not the best approach to this type of issue
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Old 06-20-2013, 02:27 PM
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Originally Posted by daplatapus View Post
It's been mentioned before, but I'd love to see a sticky in the corals section about dipping, precautions and inspection of corals.
If we can find someone (Mindy) to write an article on this, we'll certainly post her (Mindy) article as a sticky.
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Old 06-20-2013, 03:02 PM
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So diplomatic Brad..hah Again I agree. I was speaking in generalities and not about this specific seller. I was just reading the post and forgot it was about one seller in particular.

Kudos to anyone who admits they have a pest and puts a stop to selling.

Also fair to point out like Brad mentioned not all accusations are going to be correct so we can't assume someone is guilty.

Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
I did speak to the seller, who said he did not know, and that he felt really bad and withdrew the items for sale. Without knowing otherwise, we have to assume that's reasonably true, and it just bothers me to see a post attacking someone when we don't have all the facts. No mention of whether anyone that bought frags contacted him for a refund or resolution, outcome of that contact if it happened, etc. It was just a lynch mob post, and I think the seller has to be assumed innocent until proven otherwise. I've bought frags from several top members here that had pests of some sort, and imagine if I posted something like this as a first response. It would ruin the reputation of the member, it would cause a thread much like this and at the end of the day, nothing good would have come from it. I would have also lost friends in the process.
If situations like this occur, it's best to contact the staff to discuss, and if we see it as a benefit to the board, we'll contact the seller and post a PSA if needed. Assembling a mob and fetching a rope is not the best approach to this type of issue
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Old 06-20-2013, 04:36 PM
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This is exactly how I felt after seeing another fellow members warning post on the sellers thread but was replied with same type of response from Brad. So this thread was made as I didn't feel confident anything was going to be done. If you guys feel like this is a lynch fest than so be it. I do apologize to members that I've offended in this thread but I still stand by my warning.

Originally Posted by reefermadness View Post
It just seemed like the attitude was a shady seller was getting a pass and all the emphasis put on the buyer. The buyer needs to be diligent for sure but we should also encourage good honest selling IMO.
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Old 06-20-2013, 04:50 PM
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What it comes down to is whether or not the seller knew his frags had AEFW when he was still posting them for sale on canreef. Was this after he went to the LFS? If so, then indeed he is getting a free pass.

It would be helpful (especially to the seller) if he could explain to us what happened and when. Mistakes do happen, but if not explained, people will assume the worst, you can bet on that.
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Old 06-20-2013, 05:22 PM
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Originally Posted by mikepclo View Post
This is exactly how I felt after seeing another fellow members warning post on the sellers thread but was replied with same type of response from Brad. So this thread was made as I didn't feel confident anything was going to be done. If you guys feel like this is a lynch fest than so be it. I do apologize to members that I've offended in this thread but I still stand by my warning.
I don't think you've offended anyone, and perhaps I could have stated my point in a better way. It is, of course, always our goal to help each other out, I'd just prefer to ramp up slowly to public blast.
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Old 06-20-2013, 05:46 PM
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Who thinks they can do a better job than Brad??? I don't see anyone raising their hand... What a god awful position to be in.. Sheriff, mediator, judge and jury, giver of hugs when someones feeling have been hurt. He did ban me once so hey gotta give him credit for that!! Lock this redundant collection of opinions and lets move on...
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Old 06-20-2013, 05:54 PM
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Originally Posted by jorjef View Post
Who thinks they can do a better job than Brad???.
volunteers?? Anyone??
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Old 06-20-2013, 05:56 PM
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From what I've been told it was before he posted on Canreef. And for sure we would like hear from the seller as he made no attempt to clear his name on this thread or his when warned about his frags had aefw.

Originally Posted by Reef Pilot View Post
What it comes down to is whether or not the seller knew his frags had AEFW when he was still posting them for sale on canreef. Was this after he went to the LFS? If so, then indeed he is getting a free pass.

It would be helpful (especially to the seller) if he could explain to us what happened and when. Mistakes do happen, but if not explained, people will assume the worst, you can bet on that.

Agreed! Thanks Brad

Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
I don't think you've offended anyone, and perhaps I could have stated my point in a better way. It is, of course, always our goal to help each other out, I'd just prefer to ramp up slowly to public blast.
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Old 06-20-2013, 07:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
volunteers?? Anyone??
Brad, you are Canreef's Judge Dredd. Just joking. Brad you are one of te most level headed, and respected person I know in this hobby therefore I would nominate you.
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