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Old 03-06-2013, 06:08 AM
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Originally Posted by reeferfulton View Post
well I told myself it would never happen to me lol hahaha

Let me RODI run today with a timer to remind me to turn it off ..

ran about 15 minutes onto the floor under the stairs ... o well

So . things on my wish list .
1.Auto top off
2.Apex controller
3. Auto shut off .. need to research this
4. LED's one day
5. Better knowledge of what I am doin

First of all, welcome and a water alarm works good to.
Cheers Ronnie.

75 gallon in-wall SPS dominant and some sweet zoas, attached 30 gallon refugium/seahorse tank, attached 15 gallon mangroves/bad boy tank/pod factory, 40 gallon sump.
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Old 03-06-2013, 06:22 AM
Mike-fish Mike-fish is offline
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I just rigged up a normal closed solenoid valve and a timer today no more floods here
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Old 03-06-2013, 06:29 AM
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Originally Posted by reeferfulton View Post
well I told myself it would never happen to me lol hahaha

Let me RODI run today with a timer to remind me to turn it off ..

ran about 15 minutes onto the floor under the stairs ... o well

So . things on my wish list .
1.Auto top off
2.Apex controller
3. Auto shut off .. need to research this
4. LED's one day
5. Better knowledge of what I am doin

First of all, welcome and a water alarm works good to for preventing floods. And everyone on here is giving u good advice. I personally would take some water into blue world and get Jon to test it for you, as I haven't had great experience with API test kits, well they suck really. Salifert all the way baby! ATO, Yup a must have, controller-nice but not nessesary, float also nice. Maybe some supplement t5- ATI blue plus bulbs,or led's for the most desirable blue look. And makes the corals flourecense so sweeeeeet! Nice job on the stand to, and the Chev is rad!
Cheers Ronnie.

75 gallon in-wall SPS dominant and some sweet zoas, attached 30 gallon refugium/seahorse tank, attached 15 gallon mangroves/bad boy tank/pod factory, 40 gallon sump.
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Old 03-06-2013, 06:32 AM
reeferfulton reeferfulton is offline
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water alarm is not a bad idea. I saw these little 14 dollar jobies today at Van Isle water . the where just self contained things the size of a roll of film .. If you can remember what that is .

To metal contacts on the bottom . when they get wet . buzzer goes off.

Mike-Fish .
thats a simple idea actually . I have been using the timer on the stove but i like that .
Could use that concept for the main feed into the RODI and have a mechanical float in the RODI container as well .

**tank update .

Got a tunze ozmolater hooked up to my tank . Its working great . super easy to install. Now I need a bigger top off water holding container lol .. I am just filling my little one twice a day now instead of the sump ....

Picked up a scarlet hermit , couple more snails and a skunk cleaner shrimp .
Also got a few more peices of really nice live rock from Wayne ..

fish will be soon .. cant wait
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Old 03-06-2013, 06:34 AM
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Scarlets are awesome IF they are true scarlets. Many stores sells the typical red legged ones as scarlets. They are very mild, don't fight and great scavengers. Sometimes, they just need a little bit of push to work since they are probably the laziest hermits out there :P

You wouldn't want to see my tank. I don't use fancy equipment and I am a noob
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Old 03-06-2013, 06:58 AM
Mike-fish Mike-fish is offline
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Yeah super simple to do I have the valve on the supply line ( copper valve) hooked up to a timer that's used for lights ( hard wire) unit I also have the power to the ro on it as well to minimize the chance of running the boost pump dry. All the parts probably cost about 100$.
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Old 03-12-2013, 07:28 AM
reeferfulton reeferfulton is offline
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ok , well Tank has been running smoothly .
Did a few small water changes .. I need to come up with a better way of doing this . I end up with water all over the place lol.

Still doing my water tests .. I have yet to say any ammonia, nitrite , and i think i may have a little nitrate .. still cant tell .
I added a shrimp 10 days back , it is eating well . All my snails are happs , as are my 2 hermits .

The few corals that i added 3 weeks back are doin great . ! .
I Have since just recently received some amazing SPS corals from a good friend . So they got placed yesterday.

I hope to also be getting a few fish this weekend as well .

The BIG news in my build . Is the the following equipment is purchased /.

Vertex Libra .. Over the top i know . but sure does look cool .
Full apex controller .. with temp and ph probes .
Picked up a set of test kits , so i can start to watch water prams .
Also got a hanna checker which i try out soon ..
And on stand by i picked up a phosban 150 to put in place if needed ..

Also order my new LED light set up ..
any guesses on what I chose ? ( those of you that know already shhhh?

I would like to thank Spencer at Blueworld Aquariums here in Vic for working with me on my order. Was a good transaction and will be happy to shop there in the future .
Also order my new LED light set up ..
any guesses on what I chose ?

some pics to keep everyone interested

Things i have learned ..
1. You cant put a new filter sock in the sump ... o my god skimmer went nuts within seconds.
2. My mag drive 9 is louder then i would like .
3. I have to come up with a easy method of doing water changes ..

thats all folks
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Old 03-12-2013, 05:21 PM
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From all the fancy equipment you are getting; I strongly believe that you bought mitras :P Right?

You wouldn't want to see my tank. I don't use fancy equipment and I am a noob
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Old 03-12-2013, 05:52 PM
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Your going to jave to come over sometime soon to get a few more things to fill up that tank!

Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk 2
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Old 03-17-2013, 05:03 AM
reeferfulton reeferfulton is offline
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well since no one else is playing along ..
Yes Mrhasan .. i did indeed order myself a new black mitras .

So it should be here early this week .. I am excited .

Some news on my vertex libra ..
I opened it up and did a test run on all 3 pumps .. Pump number 1 was very rough sounding .
Took it in to have it looked at and they confirmed the issue and are ordering me a replacement .
Looking forward to getting that back and start watching my water prams .

I need to come up with a small cabinet to place next to my tank to house the doser , controller and doser containers .
I really want to keep all those fancy electronic items away from the humid salty air under the tank..

Anyone have any ideas for a tank side cabinet ?
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