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Old 02-22-2006, 01:56 AM
IPZ IPZ is offline
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Hello All.

Although my company was not affected by the recent Kent salt problems, I would like to offer the following to anyone on Vancouver Island who recived defective Kent salt.

Regardless of where your Kent salt was purchased from , I will exchange your defective bucket with a bucket of the New Seachem Reef Salt.

If you have a bucket or buckets that you wish to exchange, please feel free to PM me or call me at the store to make arrangements.

For those looking to try the new Seachem Reef Salt, please have a look at the vendors forum. I will be posting prices as well as bulk pallet prices for those of you who wish to take advantage of a group buy.


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Old 02-22-2006, 02:43 AM
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You rock buddy!
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Old 02-22-2006, 04:34 AM
midgetwaiter midgetwaiter is offline
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Originally Posted by Denis
Just got responce from J&L:
Two options since you are local:

1. Send sample to Kent, and they will replace bucket of salt
2. Bring in bucket and we'll replace.

If anyone orders Kent salt we are informing them before shipping. I was told
by Kent that it was one batch (70 buckets). If that is the case then not all
of ours is bad.



I love these guys.

I read that as J&L got one bad batch of 70 rather than Kent only shipped 70, which would make more sense.
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Old 02-22-2006, 03:02 PM
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Originally Posted by midgetwaiter
I read that as J&L got one bad batch of 70 rather than Kent only shipped 70, which would make more sense.
I spoke with J&L yesterday about my two buckets. He said that's what they had - 70 buckets of the bad stuff, none of the good stuff, so they had none to ship to me as replacements. They gave me the contact info for Kent and said that it is best for me to deal directly with them, but if I had any trouble, they would look after things for me. I sent an e-mail to Kent yesterday afternoon, and am waiting for their reply. I will be getting my two 1lb samples ready to ship off as soon as I get the full instructions from them. I expect they'll want to see proof of purchase for the two buckets, so I'll include a copy of my receipt. I don't want them to think I'm sending two samples from one bucket or something and delay the replacement.

I am also going to have to find some salt here in town now since I have only about two weeks supply left. Thats the reason I ordered these two buckets, I didn't want to run short. I don't expect I'll see the new buckets of salt for at least a month with shipping and such. What a PITA Anyone know who in Calgary currently has Kent salt (50 gallon bags) in stock?
I retired and got a fixed income but it's broke.

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Old 02-22-2006, 04:24 PM
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Default Proof of purchase

can you verify with Kent what to do if you don't have a receipt? I don't know about most people but unlike electronics, its not a common practice for me to keep receipts for salt that I buy from a store.

Originally Posted by BMW Rider
I spoke with J&L yesterday about my two buckets. He said that's what they had - 70 buckets of the bad stuff, none of the good stuff, so they had none to ship to me as replacements. They gave me the contact info for Kent and said that it is best for me to deal directly with them, but if I had any trouble, they would look after things for me. I sent an e-mail to Kent yesterday afternoon, and am waiting for their reply. I will be getting my two 1lb samples ready to ship off as soon as I get the full instructions from them. I expect they'll want to see proof of purchase for the two buckets, so I'll include a copy of my receipt. I don't want them to think I'm sending two samples from one bucket or something and delay the replacement.

I am also going to have to find some salt here in town now since I have only about two weeks supply left. Thats the reason I ordered these two buckets, I didn't want to run short. I don't expect I'll see the new buckets of salt for at least a month with shipping and such. What a PITA Anyone know who in Calgary currently has Kent salt (50 gallon bags) in stock?
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Old 02-22-2006, 04:47 PM
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They never asked for proof of receipt when I talked to Kent. Just that I sent the sample.

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Old 02-22-2006, 04:55 PM
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I don't feel so bad missing out on the big salt boxing day sale now! Looks like it saved me from lots of headache.

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Old 02-22-2006, 04:56 PM
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You are awesome!

Thank you!
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Old 02-22-2006, 05:02 PM
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Originally Posted by seashells

I don't feel so bad missing out on the big salt boxing day sale now! Looks like it saved me from lots of headache.

i don't think it mattered if you bought salt on boxing day or last week, it's all bad.
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Old 02-22-2006, 05:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Willow
i don't think it mattered if you bought salt on boxing day or last week, it's all bad.
Untrue and totally annoying (Thanks, Harvey, for the use of your amazingly accurate graph for this post!)

The pallet of 200g Kent salt we ordered from IPZ earlier this month tested at 8.5 - 9 dKH. See my and Matt's previous posts a few pages back for more detailed info on our test results.

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