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Old 08-25-2013, 12:51 AM
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Thanks everybody I hope it starts to fill in a bit faster now

I recently received an RD1 from DA. I've removed the RKL Head Unit from the QT and wired everything into the RKL, with the RD1 on the QT door
Now I'm able to play with the RKL from the sump room. And because I have 2 SL1s I was able to add 2 more switches to the system.
I put a float in the skimmer cup and another in the chaeto tank.
I love having more powerbars too. Pretty much all the automation I wanted is now in place.
One last thing may be a Net module; so I can freak out while I'm away and send texts to my tank sitter

A couple weeks ago my skimmer was acting up and it turned out there was a bug stuck on the fresh air intake I put out the window.
I picked up a breather filter so that won't happen again

The green birdsnest isn't as bleached as it looks in FTSs

I played with my camera settings a bit
This is about the best I can get

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Old 08-25-2013, 03:00 AM
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Time for some growth pics














Yellow Coris (Junior)


He's already as big as our Lubbock's (Asrai)
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Old 08-31-2013, 07:20 PM
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I picked up a 1LB piece of LR from J&L for the chaeto/fuge tank
From now on, I'll try to remember to refer to it as the fuge as I've given up on chaeto
A few days ago I plumbed the fuge pump directly from the first sump chamber, so now it's getting unfiltered water
The new rock

I currently have a piece of filter material in the fuge for the stars and pods to live in and will put the rock in once I'm comfortable thinking it's pest-free
Last night I found this little one in the rock and am setting it free in the DT
That's my thumb nail it's sitting on

Then, after getting a pic of the rock, I find this teeny crab

I'm going to bait a glass and we'll see how many there are

Last edited by gregzz4; 08-31-2013 at 07:30 PM.
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Old 09-01-2013, 02:20 PM
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Tank looks fantastic. Great Job. And that crab is very peculiar looking. I don't think I've ever seen one like that before.
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Old 09-01-2013, 02:26 PM
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Wow that crab looks cool! And you even have a mini-me version! :-)
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Old 09-01-2013, 07:20 PM
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Great pics and tank. Too high tech for me lol! Cool growth pics as well.
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Old 10-06-2013, 12:54 AM
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As you may remember my SPS were suffering from low nutrients
I cut my GFO use in half, started feeding the corals, and near doubled the fish food

Well, the corals are bouncing back, but what I initially thought was algae is looking more and more like green and red cyano
This may explain my not so pulsing xenia ...

I tested my PO4 today and (bad me) it's up to 0.24
So now I'm back to regular GFO use, and back to siphoning the sand 'till I get this under control
I'm also skimming a little wetter than before

I'm going to try this route before jumping on the Chemiclean bandwagon

So, on the plus side, my bleached corals have gone from pale and white to colorful and some even a bit brown
The green birdsnest is almost normal again, and the green slimer is actually green. But the tricolor is mostly brown
And I guess the RBTA likes the water as it's gone from 2 to 4 since Aug

Hopefully I can find a balance sometime soon

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Old 10-06-2013, 01:20 AM
steve fedyk steve fedyk is offline
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Cyano is good hermit crab food.
120 G sps reef, looking to build bigger.
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Old 10-19-2013, 07:51 AM
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Cyano appears to be calming down
Forgot to do a PO4 test tonight before the weekly WC. C'est la vie

Just fired up the QT, so stay tuned for some new fishies
And possibly some more tank issues, but I need more fish poop for the corals, so I'll deal with things as they occur

Currently have 5 RBTAs and am wondering if they are splitting so fast due to irritation from the porcelain nem crab ?
They are splitting at a much smaller size than they used to
I'm monitoring what is going on and thinking I may get rid of the crab

Our clown, Goober, isn't being hosted, but spends much of his day patrolling the nem area, swimming between all of the tentacles, and keeping the emerald crabs away and such
The claws come out, but the clown eventually wins through sheer persistence with his constant poking/nudging
I'm OK with him not beating up the nems by being inside them and we enjoy the show when a critter gets too close to the area
Goober (aptly named) will even shake away trying to scare off snails

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Old 10-19-2013, 08:48 AM
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Clowns are awesome! My nem split this week too, beating on moving so all three clowns have a nem to host! Tank is looking great!!
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