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Old 09-27-2010, 04:26 PM
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It amazes me how quickly the tank buffered itself and reached equilibrium. After I discovered the Ca/Alk problem, I quit dosing calcium and continued to dose the usual 230ml of Alk. Within 48 hours the parameters were at: Ca 420, Alk 8 and pH 8.1 (Right back to where they were before the trouble.) I wish everything in this hobby was this easy.
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Old 09-27-2010, 04:37 PM
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Something GOOD happening fast.
You don't hear about too often!

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Old 10-07-2010, 11:53 PM
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A few questions for the Nem experts......... Tony?

My BTA has been growing like crazy lately. Probably doubled in size in the last 4 to 5 months. It's now about 14" across with tentacles 6" long. I feed it twice a week: one day a 1/2" long shrimp and four days later half a silverside.
I'm certainly no expert on nems and was wondering if it's pretty much full grown now. Is this growth spurt leading up to splitting?

225g reef
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Old 10-07-2010, 11:55 PM
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Nope...its just telling you that your going to be doing a upgrade sooner than you thought lol.
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Old 10-08-2010, 12:15 AM
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I think that Tony's certainly the anemone expert here, but I'll share my experience with BTA's - a number of years ago I had around thirty-some splits from my BTA's, 12" - 14" was the biggest that they got. I think I was able induce them to split by doing larger water changes (~20%) with room temperature water.
The anemones were in a DSB with live rock sump for the most part. I had slow water rate turnover from the main tank so the main tank wasn't affected as much.
But there still were splits happening in the main tank.

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Old 10-08-2010, 12:45 AM
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Thanks for the info MitchM. Sounds like it's about done growing in size then.
On a different note: Where is Water Valley? I've never heard of it before.
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Old 10-08-2010, 12:49 AM
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About 1 1/2 hours northwest of Calgary, in the foothills.
We have a 4-way stop, a saloon (with a place to tie up horses) and a grocery store.
Oh..and a separate liquor store across the street


Last edited by MitchM; 10-08-2010 at 12:54 AM.
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Old 10-08-2010, 04:04 AM
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Originally Posted by MitchM View Post
About 1 1/2 hours northwest of Calgary, in the foothills.
We have a 4-way stop, a saloon (with a place to tie up horses) and a grocery store.
Oh..and a separate liquor store across the street


Oh yeah I found it. Highway #579. Kinda out in the middle of nowhere isn't it?
Foothills, saloon with a hitching rail, liquor store. Must be cowboy country?
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Old 10-08-2010, 08:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Lance View Post
Foothills, saloon with a hitching rail, liquor store. Must be cowboy country?
Yes, it's all that and more!

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Old 10-08-2010, 03:05 PM
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I found that there didn't seem to be a huge correlation between size and when they'd split. Well, sort of, and sort of not. If some wanted to split at say 4" then usually they'd split some time after reaching 4", but there'd still be the occasional bigger one or occasional smaller one.

When I started off in the hobby I just used a copious amount of regular normal output fluorescents over my tank. I found that when I switched that tank over to halides the anemones all changed their max sizes to about double.

But it just seems to me they will pick a size to be at and that's sort of that (there is probably a host of variables). The largest BTA I ever saw was an enormous beast, some public aquarium I was at ... think it was London of all place. Anyhow it was easily 18" across. They had mislabelled it as H. magnifica but I'm pretty sure it was BTA (bubble tips and everything. Also it was your typical brown colour of BTA). I have two roses right now that are clones and one is 4"-5" and the other maybe 2" at best. I feed them both the same. I have another one in the same tank and he's barely 1" and I feed him as much as I can. One thing I do notice though is that both small ones are on rock that I'm having a very difficult time removing caulerpa from so there could be some allelopathy going on. (If I could just put the rock in the big cube the tangs and rabbit would eradicate the caulerpa but the butterflies would probably mistake little BTA's as big majano's so that's sort of a no-go!)

Wow, what a long winded way of saying "I don't really know." In any case, your BTA sure does look awesome.

Originally Posted by Lance View Post
A few questions for the Nem experts......... Tony?

My BTA has been growing like crazy lately. Probably doubled in size in the last 4 to 5 months. It's now about 14" across with tentacles 6" long. I feed it twice a week: one day a 1/2" long shrimp and four days later half a silverside.
I'm certainly no expert on nems and was wondering if it's pretty much full grown now. Is this growth spurt leading up to splitting?

-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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