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Old 04-11-2014, 12:12 PM
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Sounds like me in the summer time. I always take a break from this site and my tank when the weather turns nice. I got real bad last year, so bad I hadn't scraped the glass in a couple of months. When I did, my fish were so scared cause they hadn't seen my in a long ass time. The amazing thing was I run almost a strictly sps tank. When the glass was clean, I couldn't believe the growth of some of them. They were massive. I don't know if I just got lucky or if they needed to go through that.
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Old 04-11-2014, 12:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
No, solo trip this time. Heading to Cabo for the week.

Weren't you just in Cabo last year? What a life!
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Old 04-11-2014, 12:35 PM
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Default what keeps you going?

For our family, we are kinda stuck with the tank. It's built right into the wall. It's not hidden in the basement so I can't neglect it. I like having it in my living room because it forces me to clean the glass every 3 days. I catch my kids pausing what they are doing while playing or reading to take time to stare at the tank. Last night my wife was out and I just sat on the couch with a drink and stared at the tank. I don't think I could ever have a tank in the basement where I don't spend much time (even though our basement is finished). I enjoy having the tank viewable from where we have dinner, from where we work on the computer, from the kitchen, the backyard, the front yard and the front door. I think having it that central in the house keeps me "trying" to make it look spic and span all the time.
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Old 04-11-2014, 01:44 PM
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I think it depends, too, if you view your tank as a just another decoration, or as a living, changing, surprising instrument of wonderment...

Haha,... just thought of what I should call my next tank journal...
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Old 04-11-2014, 01:49 PM
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this hobby is like any other one, some times you get in to it and the novelty wears off, sometimes it becomes a life long passion. and like other hobbies, people stay in for varying lengths of time. 1 to 3 years is what I call the hobby honeymoon, everything is great, then one day you start wondering if this is what you really want. some hobbies are transient some are life long and about this time, this is what your struggling to figure out. for some people it is the amount of work, some go to big to fast, some just lose interest. my self, I am currently on a break after running at tank for 9 years. when I get this new one going it will be 1/3 the side to reduce the amount of time spend cleaning the tank in order to give me more time just to enjoy the tank.

*everything said above is just my opinion, and may or may not reflect the views of this BBS, its Operators, and its Members. If cornered on any “opinion” I post I will totally deny having ever said this in a Court of Law…Unless I am the right one*

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Old 04-11-2014, 03:39 PM
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Tony Robbins, yeah. I didn't think this dude was still around! Nothing like a little Tony to get your mojo/motivation into high gear. After his seminar, you'll have the Tank of the Month in no time. You may even want to open as an LFS.

Seriously though, I've lost a few fish & have had plenty of challenges over the years with my tank. I still feel it's very much worth the effort. If you honestly can't muster sufficient desire to keep yours going, you're the best person to make whatever decision as to how to proceed.
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Old 04-11-2014, 06:07 PM
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This forum has such amazing members!

I had a chat with my fiancé last night about where things are at and what is going on and he feels right now is such a short term issue, we just need to get through the next few months and things "should" go back to normal.

The tank doesn't wear on me, its just finding the time to deal with it. It only stresses me out because I feel like its not getting enough attention, therefore I am creating a poor habitat for the livestock. Operationally, its fine, not great, not bad.

I like the relationship analogy....yes, some are in for the long haul, for some its a novelty and get bored and move on to something else. While my passion will never turn me into a LFS employee or owner, I like the challenge and sense of accomplishment it brings. I will try to get through the next few months and wait until the fall to decide what to do, when the pressure is off and life goes back to normal....
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Old 04-11-2014, 07:32 PM
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So, how does next weekend sound? :-)
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Old 04-11-2014, 07:46 PM
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Originally Posted by kien View Post
So, how does next weekend sound? :-)
Sure, let's do it! Might be hard to get others out tho given its a holiday weekend.... but whatever.....a few hours should be ok. Might also be worth looking at weeknight...
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Old 04-12-2014, 04:44 AM
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My challenge has always been I'm impatient and set goals too lofty for "realty" and I bore easily, aside from that I am guilty of adding piecs that maybe the tank want mature enugh for, trying to do too much in too short a time, juggling family and work......the list goes on. Iawas seriously going to shut er down not too long ago. Then I slapped myself, and "re-tooled" my tank with stuff that allowed me to treat it more like a hobby than a job. Now I love it again! I found my groove.
In a few years when the immediate demands of my kids diminishes I will be able to take the hobby to where most of us want to go......full blown kick-ass SPS.
Best of luck, and I agree 100%, this site is full of awesome people.

Last edited by Cujo#31; 04-12-2014 at 04:46 AM. Reason: cant spell......english 101 anybody????
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