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Old 10-25-2012, 12:01 AM
strauss strauss is offline
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Well I did not expect there to be such a large response to this. I tend to agree this is getting very large and the sheer size of the order thus far will most likely outweigh what Burc has in stock. There are a few concerns at who gets freebee's or the doa's. I would love to have denny around when the order comes in as he is by far the most knowledgeable and capable of figuring out whats what. I would have no issues using these freebee's to compensate denny for his time.
I also think that we should put together a master list now and send it to Burc and see if he even has what everyone wants. If he does not then obviously most of us would not be ordering. If he does and responds in a timely fashion then we're more or less good to go and we already have a master list to go off of when everything arrives. He also packs orders together so its really a matter of deciding who's order is who's. Again, I have no issue even grabbing the package from the airport as I am close and could wait for it (ill study while I wait). Regardless ill be double checking with Burc to make sure he has what I want before I do anything. I just suggest we do the same as a group.
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Old 10-25-2012, 12:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Coasting View Post
He doesnt stick 100 coral in a bag and send it off like that. Each coral is bagged on its own, and all the coral belonging to 1 persons order gets put in a bag with their name. So the box will have numerous bags that have names on them.
I have heard that he doesn't write names or anything on the bag.
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Old 10-25-2012, 12:19 AM
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Originally Posted by strauss View Post
Well I did not expect there to be such a large response to this. I tend to agree this is getting very large and the sheer size of the order thus far will most likely outweigh what Burc has in stock. There are a few concerns at who gets freebee's or the doa's. I would love to have denny around when the order comes in as he is by far the most knowledgeable and capable of figuring out whats what. I would have no issues using these freebee's to compensate denny for his time.
I also think that we should put together a master list now and send it to Burc and see if he even has what everyone wants. If he does not then obviously most of us would not be ordering. If he does and responds in a timely fashion then we're more or less good to go and we already have a master list to go off of when everything arrives. He also packs orders together so its really a matter of deciding who's order is who's. Again, I have no issue even grabbing the package from the airport as I am close and could wait for it (ill study while I wait). Regardless ill be double checking with Burc to make sure he has what I want before I do anything. I just suggest we do the same as a group.
I have sent him an email requesting to update the site. No reply yet. Let's see.
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Old 10-25-2012, 12:24 AM
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He will write the persons name on the bag containing there order...that's all.
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Old 10-25-2012, 12:28 AM
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Originally Posted by dreef View Post
He will write the persons name on the bag containing there order...that's all.
Oh. That's would be good enough I guess.
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Old 10-25-2012, 01:19 AM
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Burc replied to my email with an opening sorry statement for late reply. That was, I would say, nice of him.

Secondly, about website updates, he said that most of the things always go away before he can update and hence causes lots of confusion among people - the reason that he doesn't update the website with new stuffs. Maybe people mostly do local pickups? Maybe his business is better that way? I don't know but that's what he said and I thought of not arguing since I heard that nice emails gets nice replies form him.

About new stuffs, he said he made 10 new pieces of super nice acros this morning. I said a pic would help fellow reefers to choose and he said he will send it tomorrow evening after the things heal.

So far, I am happy with his replies.

Lets hear some thoughts. Role the dice people
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Old 10-25-2012, 02:17 AM
Money pit Money pit is offline
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I'm out. I see it the same as Denny, I've dealt with Burc in the past and swore never again. I was hoping with a group buy, the size of the order would make it a priority. But if he won't update his site, then I wont take the chance.
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Old 10-25-2012, 03:02 AM
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Seems like people are slowly calling it off.

I guess we can do a Denny group buy I am pretty sure he is willing to ship free of charge anywhere within Calgary
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Old 10-25-2012, 04:15 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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hey guys , if you guys want i dont mind dealing with the order and getting it shipped over here ive dealt with burc and recieved many orders from him.

in all honesty the more poeple and money the better it will be , i usually go in for 300-500 but without the site updated i will only grab a few single frags.

heres what you do :

email burc for the list and pics/prices

choose your main list of corals you want to order.

also add a substitue you want in case he out of stock on the item you want.


1 x red flaming zoa
1 x blue ice super zoa
1 x jesus christ paly


1 x orange palys
1 x purple nurple

burc will conform your order, once its confirmed send him payment.

if you pay by emoney transfer there is no tax

once everyone is paid we make a date.

i do not recommend saturday delivery.....most shipping places slack on to do early in the week that ways if theres problms its a regualar business day and full staff to hunt down our package.

the bags will show up and bagged by customer:

so if theres 5 people we will get five bags...the bags are marked with your name on them.

if you guys want me to accept the delivery i can hold the pieces for pick up for anytime people are available, i will not hold bags overnight and reccommend people pick them up as early as possibe after its arrived.

ps.......... there are never free frags lol maybe if your lucky burc will throw a freebie in your bag but he never adds a bag of extra frags.

if there are any doa's its to be reported to burc immediately and your refund will be sent on the following order(could be a week or a year)

hope this clears stuff up a bit.


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Old 10-25-2012, 04:18 AM
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Awesome Denny. I am pretty sure people will feel safe if you are in charge of this whole "operation"

Anyway, Bruce told me he will send me the pics of some new stuffs (acros) and asked me to send him the list that we are willing to get. He will double check it to see if its available and will let me know.

So should we start?

Originally Posted by reefwars View Post
hey guys , if you guys want i dont mind dealing with the order and getting it shipped over here ive dealt with burc and recieved many orders from him.

in all honesty the more poeple and money the better it will be , i usually go in for 300-500 but without the site updated i will only grab a few single frags.

heres what you do :

email burc for the list and pics/prices

choose your main list of corals you want to order.

also add a substitue you want in case he out of stock on the item you want.


1 x red flaming zoa
1 x blue ice super zoa
1 x jesus christ paly


1 x orange palys
1 x purple nurple

burc will conform your order, once its confirmed send him payment.

if you pay by emoney transfer there is no tax

once everyone is paid we make a date.

i do not recommend saturday delivery.....most shipping places slack on to do early in the week that ways if theres problms its a regualar business day and full staff to hunt down our package.

the bags will show up and bagged by customer:

so if theres 5 people we will get five bags...the bags are marked with your name on them.

if you guys want me to accept the delivery i can hold the pieces for pick up for anytime people are available, i will not hold bags overnight and reccommend people pick them up as early as possibe after its arrived.

ps.......... there are never free frags lol maybe if your lucky burc will throw a freebie in your bag but he never adds a bag of extra frags.

if there are any doa's its to be reported to burc immediately and your refund will be sent on the following order(could be a week or a year)

hope this clears stuff up a bit.


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