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Old 04-23-2012, 02:08 PM
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Thanks everyone for taking the time to share your thoughts! We (as I'm sure other vendors reading this thread) have learned a lot. We are doing our absolute best to offer fellow canucks the best possible prices (without degrading products) and service that we can and will continue to do so.

Lots more to come from, please keep on checking in form time to time!

thanks a ton!

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Old 04-23-2012, 02:10 PM
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Originally Posted by troni View Post
Whoa is right! As an inc. we get the taxes back as but try buying a car at 50K and having to pay $7500 tax! Insane
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Old 04-23-2012, 02:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Reef Supplies View Post
Little bit of both maybe? hehe

We are very transparent, nothing to hide. Threads like this are what makes us vendors know what out clients want.

Great on yah!

I like the fact you want to be open to "criticism" or constructive feedback.

Good luck!

My 70 Gallon build:

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I wonder... does anyone care enough to read signatures if you make them really small? I would not. I would probably moan and complain, read three words and swear once or twice. But since you made it this far, please rate my builds.
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Old 04-23-2012, 08:53 PM
madkeenreefer madkeenreefer is offline
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Originally Posted by madkeenreefer View Post
A good example is pritty much any online retailer in Quebec, they are always going to be more expensive due to the higher taxes.
This is why I always by outside Quebec
Originally Posted by Reef Supplies View Post

That's not how it works. We cant charge other provinces Quebec taxes :-)

Acctualy its exactly how it works for me I live in Quebec city

I do know that if I use your code for -5% it does make a competitive difference.

Good luck with it all
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Old 04-23-2012, 09:29 PM
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Originally Posted by madkeenreefer View Post
Acctualy its exactly how it works for me I live in Quebec city

I do know that if I use your code for -5% it does make a competitive difference.

Good luck with it all
Oh woops lol! I did't notice that.
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Old 04-24-2012, 02:20 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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Originally Posted by Reef Supplies View Post
$900 is a LOT of money, but as Cal_sti wrote...there are options.

Where do they ship out of? Correct me if i'm wrong but I believe they ship out of Japan. Be it Japan, USA...Euro, you will have to pay duties, brokerage fees and tax on that NAC7.

This is a rough breakdown when using UPS ands shipping the NAC7...could be off a little.

duty $10.20
gst $13.09
coversion $5.20
brokerage $43.98
Disbursmant $6.61

So you need to add about $78, so if my calculations are correct your $208 NAC 7 will cost you about $285.

And you still have to buy a converter for the 220V.
Don't get things shipped by courier and you don't pay brokerage or duty, most times not even taxes. I buy things from the US and over seas often and just get it sent via USPS or regular air mail and have only occasionally had to pay GST but never any of the other charges you list. Maybe from a business perspective when you are buying pallets of stuff you can't avoid some of these charges but a regular consumer can. It usually takes 2-3 weeks this way but it's much cheaper. I even have over seas merchants ask me what I want them to declare the value of the merchandise is to lower the potential GST costs on my end. I really don't know how customs decides when to charge GST or not but so far I only pay it 1 in 10 purchases.
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Old 04-24-2012, 02:52 AM
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I shop around, local, USA or global. On a fixed income so any $$s I can save I'll go for the best deal. It's a global economy after all. It also depends on the product I'm buying. With respect to hobby related stuff such as my sw tank, most everything is made overseas so I don't see any reason to line the pockets of a shell company that merely brings stuff in from the same place & marks it up. The beauty of the interweb. There's little incentive for me to bother having something shipped from Quebec vs from Asia since I live closer to the west coast.

With respect to items actually made in Canada (& in the US like my VorTechs)...... I like butter & prefer that it comes from somewhere within 100 Kms of where I live, so I look for Dutchmen's Dairy butter, cheese, sour cream etc., whenever shopping for dairy products. In this case it seems foolish to save a few cents or a dollar on a 1/2 lb of butter from some national supplier that has mega plants in Montreal, Toronto or another major center in eastern Canada when there are perfectly healthy cows producing what I like in BC. I know,,, the long haul truckers out there are gonna hate me.

I reckon in a few years when Asian workers start getting paid a decent wage & increasing fuel prices make shipping goods across the ocean less lucrative, there will be a major shift in how the global economy works. I still can't figure out what NAFTA means, free trade my a$$, Europe has the right idea there, just open up the borders & have a common currency, then the brokers & money traders will be out of a job, good riddance. An American dollar for all of N & S America! Sure there would be some growing pains, but in the long run it would level the playing field & true competition would result.
77g sumpless SW
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Last edited by mike31154; 04-24-2012 at 03:03 AM.
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Old 04-24-2012, 03:15 AM
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Originally Posted by intarsiabox View Post
Don't get things shipped by courier and you don't pay brokerage or duty, most times not even taxes. I buy things from the US and over seas often and just get it sent via USPS or regular air mail and have only occasionally had to pay GST but never any of the other charges you list. Maybe from a business perspective when you are buying pallets of stuff you can't avoid some of these charges but a regular consumer can. It usually takes 2-3 weeks this way but it's much cheaper. I even have over seas merchants ask me what I want them to declare the value of the merchandise is to lower the potential GST costs on my end. I really don't know how customs decides when to charge GST or not but so far I only pay it 1 in 10 purchases.
Wife s from the us if you mail the package and keep the items under a 60 dollar value you can get away with no duty...

Kind you he parents shipped up clothes she left in by and. THey charged us 40 dollars for used clothing we already owned

Sent from a pineapple under the sea...
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Old 04-24-2012, 03:28 AM
Mike-fish Mike-fish is offline
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with customs it's practically whose hands touch it. I've brought stuff in from the states 2 packages (to big and heavy to make it one) both with identical contents and such. shipped from same person (and address) same day to the same address on the same day. both shipped the same way too. one had a 20$ fee on it and the other one no charge.
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Old 04-24-2012, 04:17 PM
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I imagine it boils down to the luck of the draw in many cases for the smaller, lower cost items. If you consider the volume of goods coming in & going out of the country, customs can't possibly screen every single item. I'm sure much of it is xrayed to help them decide what gets scrutinized more closely.

I've been ordering various items in small batches from Asia via eBay for a DIY LED lighting build since January & have yet to pay any duty or brokerage. I made sure the items I purchased had free or minimal shipping costs, so no surprises. All the orders were under the $50 mark with 2 exceptions & even they were under $100. Funny thing though, although most items entered through Van, one order went all the way to Mississauga for customs processing before making it's way to Vernon. Go figure.
77g sumpless SW
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