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Old 01-18-2004, 09:48 AM
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Ah yes. Joe's and Billy's sounds familiar. Its all coming back to me now. Thanks Gazza. Long time no see. Whatever happened to those guys (Joe's and Billy's).
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Old 01-18-2004, 11:01 AM
Veng68 Veng68 is offline
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I believe Billys' was from the 70'S (maybe the 60's) Billy Wong helped stock the original Vancouver Aquarium. It was bought out and turned into International Aquariums and maybe even one more incarnation (I forget the name at the moment) until it became Rainforest. (I could be wrong though since I was just a kid in the 70's).

Anyone remember "Panda" a couple blocks west of the PNE on Hastings? There was also this store (I forget where it was) that had a german owner with a real thick accent. How about the store that was near little india on Main & 49th just north of the Esso station?

Also I was pretty good friends with the owner of the Cambie Aqaurium before it was sold & then it closed (the new owners did not know much about the aquarium business). I miss that store........ he did not do much coral (he experimented) but he had some of the best fish I have ever seen. we are talking big angels & butterflies (also the biggest breeding pair of clown loaches I have ever seen, 13 inches each).

Lots of Red Sea Fish(Asfar, Half Moon, Golden Butterfly (his first shipment was 12 3.5 inch fish that he all sold for $400 each [the was the early 90's]) & a Regal......... that actually ate........ that one was in store for at least 2 years.) & Caribbean Fish (Queen, Blue & French angels) and the most Passer (King) angels I have ever seen in one store at one time (14 in the store varying in size from 2 inches to 12 inches). Also the only Blue Ring Angel I have ever seen in Vancovuer & and a gorgeous Blue Face angel (14 inches long) that was in the store for 7 months before it was sold (a very robust fish......... and pricey ~$400 also). I also witnessed a juvenile Emperor, Koran & Six Gill angel transfrom into adult colours.

I remember the original owners of Aquaworld "visiting" the store & muttering to each other about the good fish & wondering where he bought them from. The store owner (MC) did not care they were there (he know who they were). MC also taught me a lot about what fish are not worth keeping (ie coral eating angels & butterflys) because they would not survive in our tanks. He was actuallly a pigeon farmer in Hong Kong before he came to Canada and he showed me a picture of his old 500 Imperial gallon Fish Only Saltwater Aquarium.......... that he used to sleep under before he got married. I gained a lot of knowledge from him.

Ah......... memories Good times

Vic [veng68]
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Old 01-18-2004, 05:00 PM
BCOrchidGuy BCOrchidGuy is offline
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I used to frequent Cambie aquariums, that was a great area, lots of cool little stores n stuff. I lived at Cambie and 24th so it wasn't much of a walk at all.

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Old 01-19-2004, 03:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Veng68
(I forget the name at the moment) until it became Rainforest.
Hi Vic. What's at Rainforest now? Any marines?
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Old 01-19-2004, 07:47 AM
Veng68 Veng68 is offline
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I've not actually been there for a couple years......... last time I was there ....... they had lots of discus & freshwater, lots of lizards & some saltwater.

We should get a LFS tour going. I usaully go to all of the stores once or twice a year

Vic [veng68]
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Old 03-09-2004, 06:05 AM
Pro Fish Keeper Pro Fish Keeper is offline
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Default fish store

Has anyone tried Pet Lovers in Abbotsford? I bought livestock from them that is still with me to this day. They are something to check out if you ever come down this way.
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Old 03-18-2004, 02:07 PM
JohnM99 JohnM99 is offline
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Default Old stores

I kept a lot of Amazon fw fish as a kid in the 60s - I bought most of them from a place on Broadway at Oak - can't remember the name - something to do with Jungle?? The guy in there was very nice and helpful to a kid with no money - ended up with 15 tanks, breeding angels and oscars - I remember seeing the occasional SW tank, but it was too daunting to try - and needed $$$.

Main Aquarium was the big place then - are they still going? I live in Victoria now.

Interesting thread.
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Old 03-18-2004, 03:21 PM
BCOrchidGuy BCOrchidGuy is offline
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Main aquariums is still there.. (or at least was two years ago)... guess I should check in.

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Old 03-25-2004, 05:03 AM
Gazza Gazza is offline
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Unfortunately Main Aq. closed several years ago. Tommy retired. But that was a great store for freshwater fish.

Broadway & Oak was Fin n Feathers. Always had exotic stuff. The store is long gone but the owner Jim, still imports and sells to local stores.
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Old 04-01-2004, 04:49 PM
pinkpearl pinkpearl is offline
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I was in at Rainforest a few weeks ago and they are starting up in SW again. A shipment of LR had just arrived and it looked pretty good to me. Smelled fresh too. I was told that their live rock is delivered within 24 hours of being harvested from the ocean. Wonder where they're getting it from?
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