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View Poll Results: Would you buy fish from a store that won't show you their invoice?
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Old 03-23-2003, 06:47 AM
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What's up? I'm lost. Who's jumping to conclusion? That was a quote from Julian Sprung who isn't a participant in this discussion. Hence, the QUOTATION MARKS. I was trying to explain that not all Gonioporas are impossible to keep. I didn't even mention what kind you might even have as I was not even replying to your post.

See for the entire article. See paragraph 2 if you want to know where that quote came from.

What did I do to get on your bad side?

Originally Posted by deepblueaquatics
"In my opinion, it is wrong to generalize that all "Goniopora" are difficult to keep. There are numerous species, and they behave differently in captivity. I reported (Sprung, 1999a, Sprung 1999b) that certain species of Goniopora are easy to keep, contrary to popular belief, and that most Alveopora are similarly hardy"
I never said what species of goniapora I had good success with. It would be much more polite to ask for some additional info on the subject before jumping to conclusions. {SNIP} No need to jump to conclusions, if something seems like it dosent jive, just ask whats up...
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Old 03-23-2003, 07:38 AM
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sorry Sam, I was using your quote to back myself up. I appreciated the backup actually... Sorry for the confusion.
My comment of jumping to conclusions was more directed to those who commented on my keeping goniapora healthy as a farce. They made uninformed comments about something they dont know the circumstances of. These individuals could have simply asked Tim or I why we feel that some goniapora are very good aquarium speciemins. I know we have both had success keeping them and I have a few hobbiest customers that have also had good luck with them.
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Old 03-23-2003, 07:45 AM
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Oh, I get it now.
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Old 03-23-2003, 07:53 AM
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Originally Posted by deepblueaquatics
I know we have both had success keeping them and I have a few hobbiest customers that have also had good luck with them.
A few?

What am I missing here...have you guys read the death reports over the years in trying to keep these things...
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Old 03-23-2003, 08:01 AM
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Yes I know all about the "Hype" of keeping goniapora alive. What some of us are saying is that there are many species of goniapora, and some are very hardy and quite easy to keep alive. These are the goniapora that me and tim and a few of my hobbiest customers have had good success with. I say a few because I only deal with a select few local "hobbiests". Most of my customers have their tanks maintained by me. I pick the livestock and maintain it for them, they have a pretty tank.
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Old 03-24-2003, 03:10 AM
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