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Old 06-07-2014, 12:09 AM
Bayside Corals Bayside Corals is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Saskatoon
Posts: 273
Bayside Corals is on a distinguished road
Default Seller Beware, Canreef Member Leah.

Hello Everyone,

I just want to let everyone know that you should be very careful when dealing with the Canreef member Leah.

I have dealt with her a few times over the years with no issues. However a few months ago I sent her some seahorses. I asked her to pay for the order before I shipped it. She asked if she could pay for half the order up front and half when it arrived. I thought it was a fair deal assuming she wanted to make sure they arrived alive and in good condition. Plus we have dealt in the past with no issues so I trusted her.

She paid for a little over half of the order so I sent it via Fed Ex next day air. I got confirmation that the order arrived and it was signed for. I sent her a message asking how they arrived? No response. Over the course of a couple weeks I sent multiple emails and nothing. I have called her many times, and I have received the answering machine, I have had her pick up the phone and hang up on me but she will not talk to me.

It has now been a few months with zero contact from her end. So I just wanted to let everyone know that you should be very careful if you are going to deal with this person.

I have also been in contact with another Canreef member, and apparently she has done this before. I won't name this other member but if they choose to chime in they are more than welcome to.

So if anyone knows Leah personally you should tell her to pay her bills! Next course of action for me will be a collection agency. If she wants to ruin her credit rating that's up to her.

If the collection agency doesn't work, Leah just remember when you are having a bad day that KARMA is a B*tch and what comes around goes around!


Last edited by Aquattro; 06-07-2014 at 01:03 AM.

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