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Old 10-05-2013, 04:35 AM
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Originally Posted by reefermadness View Post
Sorry. IFFYM is IF IT FITS YOUR MACROS or some are now calling it DCA (discretionary calorie allowance). Basically you set your calorie intake for your goals, get the optimal macros (protein/fat/fiber and maybe carbs) for muscle growth and/or retention and if you like you can use some discretionary calories for a treat.

Here are some links....if you have any question you could PM me.
There's actually a site dedicated to it
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Old 10-05-2013, 04:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
I count everything I eat, and only eat single ingredient foods.
so when I come down next, its a good thing pizza is a basic food group

Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
I used to be close to 300 pounds many years ago, and I couldn't stand it.
yup you were close I was 300 when I met you after my knee repairs.
the problem I am finding now, while I am stronger and more fit than I was sense before I even met you I am still stuck around that 240ish mark. to aggravate this I have chronic Osteoarthritis. so both knees, 3 places in my back/neck, and in my right shoulder. while the pain is considerably less than it was down in Victoria (less humidity here) when I try do something it will flair up. my Dr. thinks it amazing I can play hockey at the level I am now. then I also do not work a traditional mon to Friday work week, I do two days, two nights then 4 days off. I work 12 hour shifts, so my normal day is I wake up at say 5:40 am, 20 min later I am out the door I walk back in the door from work at 9pm, am in bed by 9:30. on my switch over day I stay up till midnight, wake up at 5 am then back in bed by 9am so I can sleep and switch over to my nights. my first day off is sleeping, so basically I have 3 days off, which I have to fit in the kids schedules, coaching hockey, playing hockey, yard work, house repairs ect...

I have adjusted what I take to work for lunches and I have been losing a pound or two a month, so I am thinking of just starting up the old diet again and going back to the 5 lbs a week I was losing on that.

some times I really envy people who have time to work out, my only free time that is not contested is hockey.

oh Mindy, don't forget the before/after photos

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Old 10-05-2013, 04:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Well, yes and no. Nutrient timing and hormone management play a huge role in this. I stopped losing weight for about 6 weeks, until I added 500 calories more per day, then it started dropping again. A calorie is not a calorie, and there is so much more.
As for IIFYM, sure, it works for some, who practice it properly (Layne Norton and Scott Baptie are two that immediately come to mind), but it allows the mentality that cheating is ok, and I guess if that's your thing, then fine. I follow different ideas, and a planned refeed is still top quality ingredients. For my bday, I went out for dinner and had grilled trout and extra veggies . I guess it's all different strokes, and I'm more the "live a lot" than "live a little" kinda guy me with that last one. My dinner was a nice 16oz steak and wack load of asparagus, but I also feel good about the white bun with olive oil/balsamic and wine I had too. I also had a small piece of chocolate tonight. I really dont feel bad because Im trying to put on some weight/muscle and can use some extra calories but I could easily fit meals like that in while losing weight. Sure maybe some choices are not the best calories but they still count. I got my protein, good fat and fiber for the least I think since Im not a true counter.

You sound very dedicated What ever gets us in the right direction. I just really learned about refeeds a few months ago. If I ever get my butt below 10% I will definitely try them.
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Old 10-05-2013, 05:10 AM
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy View Post
so when I come down next, its a good thing pizza is a basic food group
lol, I had pizza last year just because, and was sick for 2 days. I eat too clean now that if I do eat something "junky", I feel it for days. Not worth it, and I don't enjoy it now.
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Old 10-05-2013, 05:13 AM
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Originally Posted by reefermadness View Post me with that last one. My dinner was a nice 16oz steak and wack load of asparagus, but I also feel good about the white bun with olive oil/balsamic and wine I had too.

You sound very dedicated What ever gets us in the right direction. I just really learned about refeeds a few months ago. If I ever get my butt below 10% I will definitely try them.
That dinner sounds fine to me, minus the bun. My carbs are complex, post WO only. I usually have 3 packs of oatmeal before going to bed. Yams for dinner, wild rice, etc. I do have 2 pieces of 85% dark chocolate for dessert, that's my "live a little" -haha

Ya, I'm what some people call obsessive, but that's what lazy people call the dedicated Most people aren't willing or able to maintain my "diet" long enough for it to become habit, which I when I get labeled "extreme"
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Old 10-05-2013, 05:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
lol, I had pizza last year just because, and was sick for 2 days. I eat too clean now that if I do eat something "junky", I feel it for days. Not worth it, and I don't enjoy it now.
haha, I kinda go throught the same thing but thats becuse there is no good pizza in kamloops anymore so when I actualy find good stuff, it is a shock on the system
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Old 10-05-2013, 01:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
lol, I had pizza last year just because, and was sick for 2 days. I eat too clean now that if I do eat something "junky", I feel it for days. Not worth it, and I don't enjoy it now.
I can't even imagine the reaction you would have had since you've been "eating clean" for so long! I got a reaction from sugar just from being off sugar for a few weeks and I've never been a big sugar eater either. A couple days ago the other half wanted pizza really bad. I ordered a chicken pizza with green and black olives, and mushrooms. Before the pizzas arrived I ate a couple servings of veggies (green beans and fresh beets) so I wouldn't overeat, and when the pizzas arrived I scraped the toppings off mine and threw away the bread. I kind of cringed when I did it, but I can honestly say that I didn't miss the bread.

I really admire your level of dedication. I used to think I could never get like that, but I am definitely starting to see changes in my cravings. I used to love bread, but now I don't miss it. I used to have real issues with using anything but sugar in my morning coffee, now I am quite fine with just a touch of honey. I changed my yogurt to grass fed organic. I'm making my own clarified butter from grass fed organic butter because I can't find any locally yet. I switched milk and coffee cream to lactose free. I made Paleo-friendly pumpkin pie with ingredients such as coconut flour. I have removed grains from my diet to avoid GMO foods - except for popcorn once a week or so. I am on the hunt for non-GMO corn kernels, but I am not sure if they even exist anymore. I haven't been able to locate a reasonably priced source for organic and grass fed/free run meats yet - I'm working on that too. I have also cut back on fruit and really upped my veggies.

Right now, I'm trying to switch everything for the better, not necessarily for the best. I need steps to make it. I know I will fail and give up if I go too far too fast.
~ Mindy

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Last edited by Myka; 10-05-2013 at 01:47 PM.
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Old 10-05-2013, 03:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post

Right now, I'm trying to switch everything for the better, not necessarily for the best. I need steps to make it. I know I will fail and give up if I go too far too fast.
Good plan. It takes time, and to just go "cold turkey" can be tough. But I haven't eaten bread this year, haven't had sugar in years and dairy is limited to the odd spoonful of greek yogurt.
Something I find is great for morning coffee is coconut milk with a bit of coconut oil, sweetened slightly with liquid stevia. No sugar (as opposed to honey), and the fats from coconut are incredibly good for you.
My version of pizza is made with ground turkey as the crust, and healthy toppings. Finding tomato sauce with added sugar is tough, but it's out there.
The reactions to junk are funny. In Feb I had a piece of my kid's bday cake and I was high for 2 hours!! Flushed, ears hot, etc, really not a good feeling -lol
All my beef is grass fed, as the omega 3 content is so much higher. I can't find grass fed butter here, so just stick to coconut oil for most things.
One thing that I find really helps is supplementing with fish oil (if you don't eat a ton of fish) as it helps with so much. I take 5g/day. Other supplements should include zinc and magnesium, both helping with hormone function.
One thing to remember is now that you're doing something as strenuous as crossfit, make sure you eat enough to fuel the workouts AND the rest of your body function. I find that the further I do this, the more I have to eat just to continue losing weight (weird, right??). I also recommend taking some BCAA during your workout to ensure you're not burning muscle tissue. Just use powdered form in your water bottle.
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Old 10-05-2013, 04:13 PM
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No bread? Yikes, I'm sure I can't pull that off. But I buy my bread mostly from a small German Bakery that specializes in ryes & generally heavier breads than 'Wonder Bread'. I'm no spring chicken any longer either but am in fairly decent shape. I've seen a lot of diets, fitness regimes, fitness apparatus(es) come & go over the years & am quite frankly amazed at how the folks selling fitness/dieting keep coming up with new stuff to empty our wallets.

I simply try to get off the couch & live an active lifestyle, haven't been to a fast food outlet in years, but do go for the occasional pizza from another small local outfit here in Vernon. I play soccer year round (indoor in winter) and do a lot of skiing in winter, including a couple of weeks of 'earning my turns'. Nothing like a 40 minute climb at altitude for a 3 minute run in untracked powder to get your cardio up to snuff. I don't have much upper body strength, so won't be helping anyone move their fish tank any time soon, but the legs & cardio are in fine form. There was also a time when I was a young Dad with kids that I spent more time on the couch & fitness declined, but that only lasted a few years.

A bit of this. Granted not cheap either, as most backcountry lodges inolve heli flights in & out. Then there's the guide & chef to renumerate. No need to watch your calories up here, other than making sure you get enough.

With some of this as a reward. My friend Garry going deep, not entirely sure why he's not grinning. (actually, the climbing with good company is a reward in itself)

And some of this, year round. Nothing like a team sport with a beer or two after with the boys (or girls, there is a coed league here in Vernon)

Everyone is motivated towards fitness (or not) in a different way. I love the mountains & a team sport for both fitness & socializing. Others need the structure of a fitness program at the gym etc. Whatever works for you is all good, as long as it gets you out from behind the computer/notebook/phone/ipad screen & off the couch.
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Last edited by mike31154; 10-05-2013 at 04:19 PM.
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Old 10-05-2013, 04:50 PM
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Mike, you're right. Anything is better than nothing, and food choices are dependent on goals. It's all relative. If you want to run and hike, good cardio and lower body weight dictate your goals. If you want to easily move 180g tanks, then you build strength as a goal Choose activities and food accordingly. If you're happy at 18% bodyfat, enjoy that pizza and a cold beer or two. If physique training is your thing, then the choices narrow. But sitting on the couch is never a good choice given the alternatives available to us.
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