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Old 04-22-2012, 09:33 PM
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No disrespect , but not certain if it's smart or suicide for a sponsor to start this type of thread.

My 70 Gallon build:

My Mandarin Paradise:

I wonder... does anyone care enough to read signatures if you make them really small? I would not. I would probably moan and complain, read three words and swear once or twice. But since you made it this far, please rate my builds.

Last edited by paddyob; 04-22-2012 at 09:46 PM.
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Old 04-22-2012, 09:35 PM
madkeenreefer madkeenreefer is offline
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Originally Posted by Reef Supplies View Post
Have to disagree.

If my client can save 10-15% elsewhere, he should take it...he is a fool if he does not.
Supporting the Canadian economy is great! supporting your local economy even better .
but you said it yourself "above quote" its foolish to spend your money at one place when you can get it cheaper at another.
A good example is pritty much any online retailer in Quebec, they are always going to be more expensive due to the higher taxes.
Same for your store vs lets say J&L Aquatics I get the same thing for less but its still got to cross the country to get here.
This is why I always by outside Quebec
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Old 04-22-2012, 10:30 PM
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I cant remember the last piece of equipement i bought in canada , im by the sumas border so i get everything shipped to letter lock and have NEVER paid brokerage or duty or tax (bought 250$ in clothes for my wife today and same deal) .I have a problem buying something here for more (its always more here , even if its 5$ its more) and then i have to pay 12% tax because i might enjoy it . Im going to buy a RKL tomorrow and online its 30$ less than at j&l and the shipping is free , and i dont have to drive to burnaby , and i dont have to pay the 12% tax i voted down . If the prices in canada where better and i didnt have to pay so much tax i would buy local but im not going to support an economy that dosent support me.
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Old 04-22-2012, 11:02 PM
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I believe its all about fair competition. If people can get it cheaper somewhere then they should buy there. If local businesses want to stay in business then they need to remain competitive with all sources.

I much prefer to support local businesses where and when I can but I organize group orders from J and L all the time because our local SW fish stores charge 3 times as much for the same items.

The fact is that there are still savings to be had across the border in some situations. Lots of suppliers offer free shipping and the cost of gas still doesn't make it unappealing to pick up across the line.
There's only two people in the world that I trust.
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Old 04-22-2012, 11:16 PM
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Originally Posted by paddyob View Post
No disrespect , but not certain if it's smart or suicide for a sponsor to start this type of thread.
in an odd sence of the matter at hand i kinda respect the vendor on this question. mainly from the information they can learn by our response if it can help them find a way to help and supply products at comparable costs. already mentioned was filtration media. some things are just not capable to get at lower costs and are out of control of the vendor being at the mercy of thier supplier. and thus far if they had something that i would like i may try them out. just at this time(no offence to reef supplies) thier site is new and i see nothing of intrest to me personally at this time.
Desperately seeking serenity ...
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Old 04-23-2012, 12:37 AM
scubadawg scubadawg is offline
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I always try a local supplier first if they can match or come close to the item I'm buying, I priced out a set of KW Variant 3 coilovers for my car

From U.S. Ebay: 3,299.99 Shipping 59.99 Final Cost: CAD$ 3940.41

2 suppliers from Edmonton, 3500.00 plus shpping and GST, 3600 plus shipping and GST.

Sponsor vendor from 6speedonline:
V3 $2800.00
Shipping to Canada is usually around $125-$150 based on exactly where in Canada it needs to go to. Final Cost: CAD$ 3462.16

Price from Toronto:
The KW V3s would be $2965 + 5% tax + $40 shipping so $3153.25 including shipping and tax.

I asked one of the local suppliers if they can match the Toronto price, and he said his price is his price, so Toronto get's my business

I don't understand how a supplier can turn down an profit just to bring an item that's prepaid? Isn't making some money, better than making no money at all, and what about future business, I won't be calling that company in the future to see if they want to match prices or come close.

Steve at Red Coral match a sale price form J&L, because I prepaid it, since he did not have it stock. I try to keep the money locally, if possible.

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Old 04-23-2012, 01:47 PM
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Originally Posted by daplatapus View Post
Well here's one of the biggest items I use that gets my shorts in a knot about buying things for my tank. A 1L bottle of dkh Plus from my LFS costs me $34.99. I dose 50 ml per day so I need to buy 1 bottle every 20 days. I have never been in there yet when they've had the 1 gallon jug because it's too expensive to keep it on the shelf and for some reason most times they can't get it regularly. At BRS, I buy the 7 lbs tub that makes 7-8 gallons for $17.99. For me to purchase 7 gallons of my LFS product it would cost me around $900. I just can't afford to shop local (if an hour's drive is considered local).
Originally Posted by Cal_stir View Post
I use 100% arm and hammer baking soda, bought a 50lb bag at a local bulk food store for $50, makes about 50 gals.
$900 is a LOT of money, but as Cal_sti wrote...there are options.

Originally Posted by RuGlu6 View Post
Here is an example
2.5L Bubble Magus Dosing Container $58.99+tax+$8.94 shipping= $67.93+tax=$76

Exactly the same item for $20 (select size in drop down window)
$43 total shipped looks a lot less the $76 to me. Plus i could use a $9 discount from my previous purchase.

Bubble magus NAC7 cone skimmer $248.99+tax =$278+free shipping

Exactly the same item for $170+$38 shipping= total $208 shipped.
Where do they ship out of? Correct me if i'm wrong but I believe they ship out of Japan. Be it Japan, USA...Euro, you will have to pay duties, brokerage fees and tax on that NAC7.

This is a rough breakdown when using UPS ands shipping the NAC7...could be off a little.

duty $10.20
gst $13.09
coversion $5.20
brokerage $43.98
Disbursmant $6.61

So you need to add about $78, so if my calculations are correct your $208 NAC 7 will cost you about $285.

And you still have to buy a converter for the 220V.
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Old 04-23-2012, 01:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Magma View Post
This is not accurate at all, I just used a previous order coming from the US and input all the values.

Actual Values
Sub Total $125.00
Shipping Total $12.00
Grand Total $137.00

Brokerage fee when the item arrived via Fedex $16.02 making the total cost of the item

Same values put into this calculator

Final Price
CAD$ 184.53

Thats about 30$ different..

Not to mention I find if you can get items shipped via USPS 9/10 times if the dollar value is below 200$ you wont see brokerage fees, sure you have to wait longer but seems worth it IMO.
The $30 differnce is proably in the duty. If the shipper supplied the NAFTA and the item is made in USA, you save most of the duty. You also need to look at what visa charged you..very minimal, right around $3 for the conversion.

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Old 04-23-2012, 02:03 PM
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Originally Posted by paddyob View Post
No disrespect , but not certain if it's smart or suicide for a sponsor to start this type of thread.
Little bit of both maybe? hehe

We are very transparent, nothing to hide. Threads like this are what makes us vendors know what out clients want.

Originally Posted by madkeenreefer View Post
Supporting the Canadian economy is great! supporting your local economy even better .
but you said it yourself "above quote" its foolish to spend your money at one place when you can get it cheaper at another.
A good example is pritty much any online retailer in Quebec, they are always going to be more expensive due to the higher taxes.
Same for your store vs lets say J&L Aquatics I get the same thing for less but its still got to cross the country to get here.
This is why I always by outside Quebec
That's not how it works. We cant charge other provinces Quebec taxes :-)

Here is our tax breakdown

Alberta 5%
BC 12%
Manitoba 12%
NB 13%
Newfoundland and Lab. 13%
NWT 5%
Nova Scotia 15%
Ontario 13%
PIE 15.5%
Quebec 14.975% (no kidding we're pi$$ed lol)
Sask 10%
Yukkon 5%

Originally Posted by lockrookie View Post
in an odd sence of the matter at hand i kinda respect the vendor on this question. mainly from the information they can learn by our response if it can help them find a way to help and supply products at comparable costs. already mentioned was filtration media. some things are just not capable to get at lower costs and are out of control of the vendor being at the mercy of thier supplier. and thus far if they had something that i would like i may try them out. just at this time(no offence to reef supplies) thier site is new and i see nothing of intrest to me personally at this time.
Can you Email us what you would like to see on our store?

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Old 04-23-2012, 02:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Reef Supplies View Post

Alberta 5%
BC 12%
Manitoba 12%
NB 13%
Newfoundland and Lab. 13%
NWT 5%
Nova Scotia 15%
Ontario 13%
PIE 15.5%
Quebec 14.975% (no kidding we're pi$$ed lol)
Sask 10%
Yukkon 5%

Can't is the cancer of happen - charlie sheen

20g reef 25g sump, DIY led form modular led, 2 false percs

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