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Old 02-29-2012, 04:22 AM
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Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
And if the diet isn't good they get crystals which for whatever reason forces them to pee everywhere except the litter box, vet says to let you know something is wrong... Something is wrong alright.
This will happen if the cat has a diet high in ash (cheap filler for cheap foods). This is why it's sometimes better to feed your pets good quality food from the start although genetics plays a big role in health too.

Although cats can be super awesome pets when they start doing dumb **** like peeing on the laundry and scratching up the couches you have to look at it like its not that they have a personal vendetta on you. Most times it's an easy fix like adding another litter box, getting meds for a urinary tract infection, getting soft paws (declawing is a total last resort and IMO shouldn't be done).

There are evil cats out there though. I've met one named Cadbury. That's why I will never get a calico cat.
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Old 02-29-2012, 04:47 AM
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Originally Posted by reefgirl189 View Post
This will happen if the cat has a diet high in ash (cheap filler for cheap foods). This is why it's sometimes better to feed your pets good quality food from the start although genetics plays a big role in health too.

Although cats can be super awesome pets when they start doing dumb **** like peeing on the laundry and scratching up the couches you have to look at it like its not that they have a personal vendetta on you. Most times it's an easy fix like adding another litter box, getting meds for a urinary tract infection, getting soft paws (declawing is a total last resort and IMO shouldn't be done).

There are evil cats out there though. I've met one named Cadbury. That's why I will never get a calico cat.
We had my wife's cats declawed, tried the soft claws but they would chew them off and wreck stuff. Doesn't seem to bother them, they were sore for less time than they were when they were neutered so I don't get what all the fuss is about.
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Old 02-29-2012, 04:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Rice Reef View Post
Guys, thanks for sharing the good and the bad... you have convinced me to reconsider. Now, I need to talk to my sons about this... not going to be easy...
im not trying to deter you cats can be great i had alot of great cats over the years this one is just a pain in my butt. i had found a cat when i was 16 and he was the best cat i had a dog bit him. there was blood tried to take him to the vet wich he wouldnt let me near him. he healed on his own and after that day every dog in the neighbourhood walked on the other side of the street. he would actually attack friendson command loved that cat lol.

but there can be costs to any pet. fish dogs cats i just felt you needed to understand they are not a set it and let it pet. if they are unhappy with you they will let you know.
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Old 02-29-2012, 02:18 PM
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Get a Shih Tzu, no bigger than a cat, and a whole lot less trouble. We have one, 4 years old now, never had an accident in the house, or anywhere after initial training. And friendliest, loveable little creature you could ever want. Even acts like a cat sometimes, the way he likes to play with little fur-like toys.
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Old 02-29-2012, 02:58 PM
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i have 3 cats! love them all!!! no complaints!
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Old 02-29-2012, 04:47 PM
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Old 02-29-2012, 04:59 PM
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Originally Posted by 2pts View Post
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Old 02-29-2012, 06:37 PM
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Originally Posted by 2pts View Post
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Old 02-29-2012, 07:30 PM
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Reasons for Cats:
1.) You can leave them alone for a few days
2.) Who doenst like a little pussy...
Thats about it.

Reasons against cats:
1.) Daily Litter box cleanings
2.) The smell of canned cat food
3.) Cat hair that gets everywhere
4.) Hairballs
5.) Spraying everything (shoes, clothes, walls, doors, etc.)
6.) Constant mischief
7.) Eating house plants
8.) Cat Barf after eating plants
9.) Darting to get out and having to chase cats back in the house
10.) Meee oooowing
11.) Those stupid bird like chirps they do
12.) Running their tails under they backs of your legs when your sitting
13.) Drooling
14.) Constantly being under foot
15.) Lightning laps past you
16.) Always being stared at
17.) Their nocturnal nature
18.) Tipping over any glass that contains water trying to get to the bottom
19.) Scratching, boxes, couches, carpet, clothes, etc
20.) Thinking everything that is in a can is for them
21.) Giving them medicine
22.) Bathing them after they roll in something they killed

Well thats about enough for now...
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Last edited by Ross; 02-29-2012 at 07:33 PM.
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Old 02-29-2012, 08:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Ross View Post
Reasons for Cats:
1.) You can leave them alone for a few days
2.) Who doenst like a little pussy...
Thats about it.

Reasons against cats:
1.) Daily Litter box cleanings
2.) The smell of canned cat food
3.) Cat hair that gets everywhere
4.) Hairballs
5.) Spraying everything (shoes, clothes, walls, doors, etc.)
6.) Constant mischief
7.) Eating house plants
8.) Cat Barf after eating plants
9.) Darting to get out and having to chase cats back in the house
10.) Meee oooowing
11.) Those stupid bird like chirps they do
12.) Running their tails under they backs of your legs when your sitting
13.) Drooling
14.) Constantly being under foot
15.) Lightning laps past you
16.) Always being stared at
17.) Their nocturnal nature
18.) Tipping over any glass that contains water trying to get to the bottom
19.) Scratching, boxes, couches, carpet, clothes, etc
20.) Thinking everything that is in a can is for them
21.) Giving them medicine
22.) Bathing them after they roll in something they killed

Well thats about enough for now...
obviously a dog person!!!
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