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Old 11-25-2009, 05:05 PM
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I haven't seen anybody ask, but I may of just missed that post. So I will ask:

What are your hobbies/passions, beside Aquariums... Tell us a little about yourself. Maybe with a bit more info about you, others can give you suggestions of areas that might interest you.

Setup: 180G DT, 105G Refuge (approx. 300lbs LR, 150lbs Aragonite)
Hardware: Super Reef Octopus SSS-3000, Tunze ATO, Mag 18 return, 2x MP40W, 2X Koralia 4's Wavemaker
Lighting: 5ft Hamilton Belize Sun (2x250W MH, 2X80W T5HO)
Type of Aquarium: mixed reef (SPS & LPS) with fish
Dosing: Mg, Ca, Alk
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Old 11-26-2009, 02:35 AM
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That's the trouble...I don't like to do much. Reading I enjoy. Uber nerdy fantasy novels. Anything to do with animals...although I don't think I could handle being a vet. I despise any on-call type work unless I am being paid for the hours I'm on standby. I like Mon-Fri 8-12 hours a day. $50K a year I think is a reasonable minimum salary...even that is a tad low I think. I would like to be my own boss.

I am actually 6 months away from a Red Seal Carpenter. I also have my Class 1A license. I am considering busting out on my own and doing bathroom renos. I do enjoy that. Bathrooms are my favourite. I think i lack contacts though since I am new to the province. I am considering trying to find a job in carpentry for 6 months or so just so I can get some contacts.

I would love to have my own retail marine store, but I don't have enough start up money.
~ Mindy

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Old 11-26-2009, 03:37 PM
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I'm 33 in university. Finishing off an Honors Philsophy degree then off to law school (or grad school, unsure yet)

University is not somewhere you go when you are looking for a job. Short of computer science, anything health related (bigm huge demand everywhere right now) or possibly some bachelor of science degrees you will need more school beyond a mere b.a. . In fact all a bachelors degree really says is i'm one of the few peoplke who made it through university now on to serious study. I drove a truck and made more than 85 percent of university grads. That is until they worked their way up the ladder, or went on to further studies.

Also university is hard, I have no idea your abilities, but please keep in mind to do well (you need a highish gpa to make university worth it) is harder than people think. If you think merely graduating university is enough you end up with problems. Anything less than a b avg and you may as well not have gone. If you are looking at, and can get into SAIT or NAIT (these are hard as well, take for instance their nuclear med. program 22 spots out of 1000 applicants) they train for specific high paying careers. 34-44 bucks an hour for most of the med related fields...

At 18 university is somewhere you go and then make up your mind, older no so much it costs a lot of money to figure out as you go (trust me ) i'm looking at 40 years old before i'm out in the workplace again (full time anyway) BUT i am doing something i love...any money being relative...well

Please don't tell me about grammar or spelling mistakes, i'm in the midst of finals and term papers and simply too busy to care
I once had a Big tank...I now have two Huskies and a coyote

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Old 11-26-2009, 10:23 PM
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If I am interested enough than I should be able to do quite well. It's kinda funny, the courses in highschool I liked I was over 90%, but the ones I didn't like I barely passed. I do worry about the amount of money I have to invest. I don't like being in debt.
~ Mindy

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Old 11-26-2009, 11:48 PM
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As a recent grad, I honestly feel that my B.A. is useless. I like school from a personal perspective, but as a jumping stone for a job, not so much. I specialized in Human Anatomy, Political Science, and Psychology.

I work in Oil & Gas, I have required professional certificates for my field, and I have experience. I also get paid what equates to a below poverty level income in Calgary. I barely, if ever, use anything I learned in University in my job. Ultimately it comes down to companies no longer seem to want to pay/compensate for degrees, because as per my HR advisor last week "degrees are a dime a dozen".

Amazingly though I went back to school after I graduated for two other degrees, and not because I have delusions about a better paying job, but because I like school. I like to learn.

When I was in high school all I ever heard was if you don't go to University you won't get a good paying job. I believed it, and I completely regret it. Like mentioned previously, going to post-secondary does not automatically equate to a job that pays a living wage, or a job that you adore.

If I could go back to give myself advise I'd tell myself to pick an applicable degree, something with skills that can be used within the workplace, and not something that is so abstract; Accounting, Finance, Computer Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Geology, etc. Fill in your options with things that appeal to you, things you're curious about, etc.
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Old 11-27-2009, 12:08 AM
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Thanks for your reply Catherine! With so many responses like yours I am starting to re-think this university idea. I do enjoy learning...I think that is half my motivation to go to university with the other half being (possibly delusional) increased pay.

Something I keep coming back to is environmentalist. As a vacuum trucker operator on the oil rigs I worked closely with the environmentalist doing land sprays of the drilling fluid. I know the different enviro dudes I worked with made big bucks. Most of them were making $250-400 per rig per day, and they had 1-4 rigs going. They were always under slept though, and I know I called them more than once at 2 am with a dire situation. I asked two of them how they got into the work. One said he took a 2 year course at university, the other said he worked his way into it.

I think with as an environmentalist there would be a lot of open doors this day and age. Not sure where to start though. I'm not sure if they were officially called environmentalists or something more flashy sounding.
~ Mindy

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Old 11-27-2009, 03:13 AM
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Hi Myka,

There are some very interesting comments on here, and I agree with most. Personally, I think you should do something that you enjoy doing, but that is easier said than done.
Why not try taking some courses at a local college to get a feel for learning new material as a mature student, and then go from there? I have some friends who have taken this path later in life and found it was too difficult, while others I know enjoyed it and went on to further learning and now have very rewarding careers.

As others have noted, a BA will not necessarily get you that dream job, it’s just a stepping stone to further your career. I felt that mine was just proof that I was able to make a commitment to learning, and then the hard part started.

I was fortunate enough to go to university after high school and earn a BA in economics, but it was not my calling. I enjoyed finance and even went on to complete my MBA and finally received my CFA. But I was always fascinated with personal finance, and five years ago I received my CFP designation. I truly love helping my clients plan for their retirement, for their child's education, or for the purchase of a new home.

My education has never stopped, I’ve been attending post secondary institutions since leaving high school in 1989 and love every minute of it(the tax benefits are great also).

Just my $0.02.
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