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Old 03-27-2009, 06:29 AM
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Your missing my point. Why does it matter why they die? They are not in my opinion suited to aquarium life. Most of us on here know that by now. Its not going to make a difference if its cyanide, bacteria, sadness from loosing their mate or whatever else people want to suggest.

What do you think you will accomplish by taking tests to a LFS? Really. Do you feel like being banned...if thats your goal, be my guest but I will be no part of that. The best way for us to deal with this is to NOT BUY THE FISH. I feel my story here has already done what I wanted because at least two or three people have stated they will now not ever buy them. This is what we as hobbyiest can do. Its not our responsibility to blame LFS who are not breaking any laws. They are not the problem. We are. We buy them. They supply what people want.

If you feel thats not enough, then go to the Philippines and help the people there who are actually trying to deal with this problem. But do not come here and tell me I am turning a blind eye. I am doing what I can do. I cannot do more than try to educate people and I do not need to test a fish to do so. Whether or not this one fish (or any of the 5 for that matter) died of cyanide is irrelevant. Its not an unknown problem that needs to be proven or brought to the surface.

I said right away that I had a feeling that I knew why they had died but that this thread would not go in that direction because that was not the point. The point to me was that they often do not last and I want people to be aware of this before they choose to buy them or not. This was not suppose to be about cyanide but someone had to bring it up as always. I then explained to someone else what cyanide poisoning was. I still had not tried to claim it was the cause here until I saw the thread going that way anyway.

You have completely missed the point and can't seem to accept the fact that we don't always need to know why. The more important thing here is that we just know they don't do well. Its not like if this fish died from a bacterial problem that changes anything. That isn't going to mean cyanide fishing isn't happening. They are two completely separate issues.

If you insinuate one more time that I am doing nothing or that I am as much to blame as the people who poison the reefs, I think I might just loose it. Im not even kidding...

If you want to pursue this absolutely ridiculous testing, be my guest but do not do it in this thread. I don't want to hear about it. It will prove nothing that is not already known. Perhaps you can purchase and blend up thousands of retail fishes from various stores, test them, get some real hard numbers together and figure out the percentage of fish that are cyanide caught. Then what? You will have a random number that proves what is already known--its happening. can go do some searches on RC and google or wherever and get the exact same result--its happening. But what will not change is that CBB do not do well in captivity.

Originally Posted by my2rotties View Post
Sigh... I am not discounting your thoughts on cyanide, but you go into a store and tell them your fish died from cyanide poisoning. I was no way saying you are not taking responsibility in your fish's death. I know how it feels and it sucks.

At this point it should be "us" as hobbyists and consumers to get the testing done and take the tests back to the LFS... If the store cares they would look into their wholesalers and perhaps something get get done about this. If we just "think" it is cyanide, how are things supposed to ever change? We are just as much at fault for turning a blind eye to cyanide poisoning and continuing to buy fish we "suspect" get cyanide caught.

I in no way meant to be unsympathetic to you bringing this loss forward on the foums, but at this point what do we do?

If and when my CBB dies of what I suspect is cyanide poisoning, I will pay for the testing. I am sure someone on these forums must know of a place to send the fish to be tested. If you have something to prove this is the cause of death, then maybe things can change in the future.

If we sit there and do nothing as hobbyists, that are the bread and butter of this industry, then we are as much to blame as the people that poison the reefs and its inhabitants for our hobby.

I am so sorry for your losses as well as everyone else's... but what do we do from here? I do not judge people for their mistakes since I make mistakes myself. I do not take people's losses lightly at all. I have been there myself. I am sorry I offended you, but these fish continue to die and we do nothing about it. SO why can't a bunch of us hobbyists that care enough to get the testing done, pool the price of a CCB for each hobbyist and put it into a fund to get the ball rolling and make a difference?

Any one knowing of a place that can test fish that die of cyanide poisoning please chime in... Lets make something happen.

Last edited by GreenSpottedPuffer; 03-27-2009 at 06:34 AM.
Old 03-27-2009, 06:31 AM
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Originally Posted by jsmth321 View Post
Sorry to hear about the loss of your fish.

I am just as guilty of at some point trying to keep a fish with a poor track record, but over the last year or so I chosen to stop buying any wild caught animal, I do have less selection to choose from, but I am fine with it. Might not work for everyone, but I feel a little better about staying in the hobby.
Now this is how people can do something about it. Im not saying I can go this way myself but kudos to you
Old 03-27-2009, 06:46 AM
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Originally Posted by leezard View Post
I'll admit that I was very and horribly discouraged about the saltwater hobby in general when I heard about the cyanide "traps". I really had no idea. I find wild caught is bad enough, but that story just kills me.

I talked to one of the staff at a LFS today about it -- while he knows it still happens, he thinks it's a rare scenario now. I only hope he's right -- else I may just stick with the 20 gallon tank that I have now and not even bother with the big one I dream to have one day....
Unfortunately its not rare and has spread to other countries now that were not known to use cyanide in the past

You are best off to get fish from Hawaii or Australia.

Anyways I hope this can get back on topic or I would prefer the mods close the thread.
Old 03-27-2009, 07:01 AM
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Justin is right in saying if you want do something, dont buy the fish. If a fish doesnt sell well, then a LFS wont bring it in. Unfortunately thousands of people buy them anyway, so realistically its as justin says and there isnt too much you can do, unless you decide to campaign world wide against the collection of copperbands.
Old 03-27-2009, 09:05 AM
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Im very sorry to hear about your loss Its difficult to lose any animal or certainly 'friend'.

Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
The cyanide does not stay in the fishes system long at all. It actually gone relatively fast but it leaves behind permanent damage.
I have to interject with this statement - Cyanide is actually an inhibitor that attaches almost permanently to trigger sites in biological structures. It can bond anywhere in the body of an organism, and in any amount, it simply depends on where it is carried. The cyanide that does not attach to any bonding sites will leave the body quickly, yes, but the cyanide that does not, simply sticks and stays. It can exist in any amount on any organ or body part - and can inhibit the correct function of that system - affecting the animal's function and lifespan accordingly. It can take a long time before you see any results due to the problem. Heart problems loom for months, maybe even years, before they jump out (see high blood pressure for example - high blood pressure is a problem, but you CAN live your whole life with it not affecting you much - or you can die from a heart attack triggered by high blood pressure). It essentially affects you after whatever amount of body imbalance has been inflicted by the cyanide.

Anyways - I doubt cyanide is the case in these situations. It would likely cause gradual deterioration over time as the fish were allowed to live so long seemingly unnafected, and yet pass so suddenly and dramatically. It sounds like another problem is the major player, and I doubt that cyanide problems like this would be so copperband specific.

Sorry, dont mean to spark any debates, just had to add a bit about the nature of cyanide.

Again, sorry to hear about your loss.

No more tanks - Laying off the ReefCrack for awhile!
Old 03-27-2009, 09:08 AM
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*The body (of any animal) is so perfectly balanced that I bet most animals affected by cyanide never make it to the hobby tanks, the retail stores even. Those that do get affected and make it to retail tanks, have such little exposure, and probably were not even the targets of the cyanide use anyways. Its sad because it is such a destructive and innefective method of capture... start captive breeding instead... it would probably end up cheaper.... and much higher yielding.
No more tanks - Laying off the ReefCrack for awhile!
Old 03-27-2009, 01:59 PM
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Unfortunately its not rare and has spread to other countries now that were not known to use cyanide in the past

You are best off to get fish from Hawaii or Australia.
That's /really/ too bad to hear.

I hope by the time we have a bigger house and have room for a larger tank, there will be more captive bred species to choose from. I'm having a hard time with this idea, to the point that it makes me not want to deal with saltwater fish at all (stick with what I have, so to speak).

I can also see why this would spark such a huge debate.

I, for one, thank you for posting this info -- I've definitely learned alot from it, and probably wouldn't know any better for awhile longer.
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Old 03-27-2009, 03:23 PM
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Fine sit there and play the victim all you want...

You are the first to attack others for making mistakes or having poor judgement. Now you want a metal because you lost a fish and admitted to it. Was it not too long ago you had made a posyt about another copperband and said never again... Practice what you preach.

If anyone is going to lose it, that will be myself and many other that have held their tongues.

If the tests for cyanide are ridiculous then why did you ever make mention of them a long time ago. Are they ridiculous because they might prove otherwise? I know many people whom have kept these fish for a long time. They just keepo their mouths shut since they do not want the ridicule and to be called down for buying them in the first place.

I can tell you one thing for certain...

Stores will never stop stocking these fish, and people will never stop buying them...

Perhaps it is up to the hobbyists to find out exactly why they are dying so they can do something about it.Not much we can do about cyanide poisoning, but bacterial infections can and are treated. I think even stores don't really know if they have fish that have been cyanide caught, they tell me they would NEVER buy if they knew... so if my CBB dies, I will have her tested and if it is cyanide I will tell that store. At least I would be doing something proactive in this hobby to either get banned from the store, or damned well try to have changes made.

Fish do not just up and die for no reason... it is our responsibility as hobbyist to know why they just up and die "for no reason". Sitting there and trying a species repeatedly with no answer. You tried five, and have learned nothing more then from the very first one... Now you tell other not to try anymore.

Sorry but although you didn't want to hear about it, you are going to. You have never held back on anyone else when they didn't want to hear about it either.

Any one else that knows of a lab or knows people that work in a lab that can possibly test fish for cyanide or take necropsy please PM me. Its about time something proactive gets done about these types of deaths. Hobbyists need to know what is indeed happening. At least I would want to know. As much as GSP didn't want this thread to go this way, it had to go this way.

Although I am well aware about cyanide use, and after discovering it happened, I didn't even want to be in this hobby. I got beat up in the beginning due to my feelings about this very thing.

GSP I am sorry you did not want thing to go into the direction they now have went. However for you to say you tried five CBBs now (one just died two months ago on you), it is very highly hypocritical to tell others not to do so, just because they did not work for you. I have been to many reefers homes and these fish are alive and well for months to years in their tanks. Why you don't hear about them, is people with the bad luck coming forward and saying that they always die. The ones that have success with these fish just don't come forward in fear of being bashed for owning a red or yellow list fish...
Old 03-27-2009, 04:12 PM
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have you tried contacting the UofC or SAIT for your testing?
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Old 03-27-2009, 04:43 PM
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Last edited by GreenSpottedPuffer; 03-27-2009 at 04:45 PM.
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