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Old 12-31-2008, 08:13 PM
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My uncle flips homes down in LA and actually had one of his best years ever this year despite the economy and housing collapse. He does high end stuff though. I doubt he would love me sharing this info and I am not even suppose to know this but he made just under 3 mil this year flipping homes (my mom has a big mouth ).

I was lucky enough to have parents who paid for their kids mortgage down payments, so my monthly payments are very low. That helps out a lot. My parents figured they may as well spend some money on us while they are around to see us enjoy it rather than leave it all to us when they are gone.

Oh and I lived in Arizona for a year--Scottsdale. I miss it! Actually I miss Miami more (5 years) but I am happy to be in Canada right now!
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Old 12-31-2008, 08:26 PM
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The biggest flips we've done have actually been buildings and the like. A couple properties we've sold in Calgary have earned us over 2 mil this year alone, so it's nice.

I enjoy Scotsdale, love the art district there. Surprise is nice because it's close enough to Pheonix but not Pheonix...mind you it seems like it could be soon LOL. Miami is good for visiting I think. Same with LA. I've spent some time down there visiting tattoo buddies, but don't know if I could ever live there. Same goes for Detroit LOL.

Real Estate is a nice way for us to make money but it's neither of our passions really. Mine is tattooing/art obviously. The other half...likes his cars. In our quanset we've got a 2002 Vette convertable, 1992 Jag XJS v12 (last year they made it as far as I know), 66 Post Caddy, 56 Crown Vic with moon roof (his dream car)...and my summer baby, 51 Merc.

In the winter I've got my Jetta and he's got his truck
75 gallon with 20 gallon sump in the works.
R. Bacchiega. Tattooer
I didn't smack you, I simply High Fived your face.
I've got so much glue on my pants it looks like a Friday night gone horribly wrong.
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Old 12-31-2008, 10:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Rbacchiega View Post
Right now not many people are getting tattooed
Hmmm, sounds like an idea for a new thread - who's in the market for one, who has 'em, who always wanted one? LOL

P.S. I have 2...
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Old 01-01-2009, 01:58 AM
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I find that the reason i spend money on fish stuff rather than other things, its because i only get so much money to spend on myself, and because this is my main hobby which i enjoy, i have the choose, between getting a tim hortons coffee x30 or a new fish that will last longer than all of those coffees. im only given so much money and want to save the rest so i have to pick a choose what i spend it on. but everyone in a while i will splurge and so will my wife.
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Old 01-01-2009, 06:10 AM
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I dont even think of how much we spent... maybe $5000, or more already. I block out the total or I would throw up in my mouth just a little bit. I try to get deals if possible when I can, but if we need something essential for the tank build we buy it right away. Things like UV or phosban reactors I waited for deals on. I have been lucky the last couple of weeks for some stuff from Canreefers. God bless these people and when I need to sell something I will pass on the savings on Canreefers as well.

I look at equipment as a life saving and enhancing items for my livestock. Without it, they would all die or not have the quality of life they deserve. Spending the money on livestock is the reward for spending money on unfun equipment. Without one you cannot have the other.

I need clothing, shoes and other items. However I know I can make due without them. When it comes to my pets, both the dogs and the aquatic life I keep, they come first. I chose to bring them here and they get first priority of anything after bills. There have been times I set bills aside to put my pets first. With renos on this house, it is a hard decision to put aside the renos for fish stuff. However we do it. I probably would never embarked on this journey if I really had a clue of the price. I always thought the tank was the big expense... who knew rock would cost so much money.

I`m sure when things are done (if it is ever done), I will be much more frugal with funds. I am just so glad I don`t have children.

Originally Posted by fishoholic View Post
Never quite thought of it that way, but now that you mention it.... I'm sure I'm over the $20k mark as well. Just setting up our new 230g has cost us $3500.00 so far and we still need to buy a tunze stream and multi controller! That's just money we spent on the equipment, and LR, never mind the cost of the fish and corals that will be going into it! That is if it ever cycles
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Old 01-01-2009, 06:34 AM
robert J robert J is offline
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Thumbs up

My2rotties, we should be best friends because every word you said above is exactly what I thought but just can not express clearly like you.
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Old 01-01-2009, 06:40 AM
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Well thank you so much. How can you tell I am broke, since I am at home with my hubby, and furry & aquatic pets for New Years eve. Why spend money on booze when I have three Canreefers to meet in the next couple days. I find buying livestock and equipment from Canreefers to be the most exciting since the knowledge they pass on is priceless.

Happy new year!

Originally Posted by robert J View Post
My2rotties, we should be best friends because every word you said above is exactly what I thought but just can not express clearly like you.
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Old 01-01-2009, 06:43 AM
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HAPPY NEW YEAR My2rotties !
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Old 01-02-2009, 05:24 AM
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Originally Posted by my2rotties View Post
Well thank you so much. How can you tell I am broke, since I am at home with my hubby, and furry & aquatic pets for New Years eve. Why spend money on booze when I have three Canreefers to meet in the next couple days. I find buying livestock and equipment from Canreefers to be the most exciting since the knowledge they pass on is priceless.

Happy new year!
Money well saved...

Our New years cost like $400 (most of which my make up artist fiance made yesterday making people pretty but still ) and I feel like crap today. I could have spent that at J&L this weekend instead and enjoyed a few fish for the next several new years!

I always regret spending so much on New Years and then seem to do it again the next year. So dumb.
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Old 01-02-2009, 06:37 AM
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I live out in the sticks now. I moved here a year ago. To haul myself out to the city for anything it had better be work, or fish related. Plus, I cannot even imagine how much a cab ride would cost to get out here from the city. The only time I have a bender these days is if my tank is crashing like my 55g did a month ago... I don't care to say how much rum I drank... it was bountiful.

Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
Money well saved...

Our New years cost like $400 (most of which my make up artist fiance made yesterday making people pretty but still ) and I feel like crap today. I could have spent that at J&L this weekend instead and enjoyed a few fish for the next several new years!

I always regret spending so much on New Years and then seem to do it again the next year. So dumb.
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