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Old 10-29-2007, 08:47 PM
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Originally Posted by andresont View Post
I am not arguing global worming, as I stated before all the planets in our solar system are worming up.
What I am saying is that humans are not the main reason for it.
We can argue until the cosmic cows come home about the reasons and who is paying for what, but why don’t we try to come up with solution rather then feeding our own ego trying to prove our point?

Perhaps alternative energy is a good way to go?

To fix something you generellay need to know what is causing the problem, you must know how and why something is doing whatever it is it is doing. It would be like taking viagra for a need to think about things before (as you put it it something about ego's) attack the problem or you could at the least do no good or make it a lot worse. If it is a naturally occuring happenstance that the world is getting warmer, through no fault of our own, then why fix it? it's occuring naturally is it not? If humans are casuing it , we should surely wish to know would we not? The problem with humans are, we are human, no one, not one of us as the intellect to be able to comprehend the nature of even a rock, let alone the universe, which seems to be why everytime we do one thing, we ruin 20 others. Everything is interconnected wether we like it or not, everything effects everything else. Not giving this as a reason to stop doing things, just think about what we are doing...deeply, change on this front would require a serious shift in the way we humans think of ourselves. We look at the world and everything as ours, not as we should just simply the most indusrtious animal on the planet, one of millions and millions of species, not the ONLY one. We need a shift in huiman conciousness or nothig will matter anymore. No not religious.... For example why until modern humans, did only a very few local natives live in arizona? NO WATER. Only enough lived there able to be supported by the little water that was there. Along comes modern humanity and builds cities there, and in Nevada...pump in water casue there is none there, then complains how hard it is to live there. People need some personally accountability as well. Some people, honestly do not have the bloody intellligence to take on such matters, and these are the people we need to worry about, because as long as they have there cell phones, crowded beaches and stupid gadgets THEY are happy, so naturally the world must be going well for everyone. Anyways, my rant is over and i could care less what anyone thinks about it.
I wish more people were capable of having intelligent conversations on certain subject matters ( this is not directed at you btw) I mean in general, as soon as someone hears something they don't like they go into idiot mode, it was like my first year university "survey" courses and all the young kids, all the passion but none of the brains.
I once had a Big tank...I now have two Huskies and a coyote

Last edited by Pan; 10-29-2007 at 09:01 PM.
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Old 10-29-2007, 09:21 PM
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The one thing I don't get about people in general, is why no one can understand that the world is in a tenuous balance. There is a reason for every living thing, they all have their own personal niches. Now, humans come along and start to disrupt this balance, remove vast amounts of forests every year but at the same time continue to pump ever increasing amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere which cannot be fixed fast enough.

Stands to reason to me that we will eventually push over the edge of the balancing act. Personaly, I don't see why we should not decrease emissions. If it was natural, would we not want to prevent it anyways? Can we really handle the massive extinctions? Perhaps doing our part will make the natural process less extreme? If it is natural.

I donno.. I feel sorry for my future grandchildren, all this grandstanding, with no one doing anything about it.

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Old 10-29-2007, 11:10 PM
trilinearmipmap trilinearmipmap is offline
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I watched the show last night. I was alarmed by the biases and mistruths in the show.

I am also concerned that my tax dollars pay for a show that is attacking the (Harper) government that I voted for.

The only guy who made any sense at all on that show was the guy at the end who basically said "we should leave politics out of it and just do the science, not everything has to be about politics". My feelings exactly.
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