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Old 09-03-2007, 07:50 PM
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What is all this label talk??? If its a product your buying that is made specifically for fish, don't! All you need is fresh garlic. When garlic is cut or pressed, it releases a chemical (forget the name) and this is what helps the fish. I can't imagine powdered or any other preserved garlic being as potent.

And as for garlic being the reason fish are at risk or dying...THATS NOT TRUE! Im pretty sure its still the ich killing fish and not garlic. Its one thing to say that they still died of ICH when you were feeding garlic but its another to say they died because of garlic. Not to mention, its been mentioned over and over again, that garlic should be used in mild cases of ich, along with other meds or as a regular food supplement.

I asked my brother for his UBC experiment and will post a few of the results when I get it but he told me last night a bit more about the project...

There were 6 40G tanks (in his basement) and 6 Celyon Puffers (brackish fish). He got the puffers the same size and QT'd them for 3 months to be sure they were healthy. They all ate the same food and all tanks were plumbed together, so water was the exact same. All the tanks were seperated and three were fed garlic soaked food and three just regular food. Ich was introduced to all the tanks. Basically, over 6 months the results were something like this...Out of the three without garlic, 2 died and one had a mild case of ich still at the end of the experiment. Out of the three with garlic, none died, two never got ich and one got it on and off the whole time.

Personally, I like those chances. Its a great preventative and boosts the fishes immune system. If you can give me proof otherwise (I keep asking) besides the fact that something has been taken off some label, then thats great and we can all learn something. My brother and I are also really, really interested in what all these Marine Biologists were saying???
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Old 09-03-2007, 07:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Salmon King View Post
I do believe garlic gets some fish to eat like wd40 and other sents gets salmon to bite and there is probally some food benifet but to tell somebody to risk a fish.Maybe if you cant get your fish out of a reef tank and you have nothing to lose.Brad in a fish only enviroment where there is lots of hosts no way does garlic work.i THINK IN A REEF TANK THAT HAS LOTS OF FLOW PARASITES HAVE A HARDER TIME HOOKING UP TO A HOST.I have had parasites in my reef tanks but with a light fish load.The cleaner wrasse and the cleaner shrimp fixed it with no fish loss and maybe the high water flow
Cleaner Wrasse do not really eat parasites much, mostly just dead scales. They unfortunately can only eat whats on the surface of another fishes skin and not whats below. Ich is mostly below. Its great if they can catch it before it gets into the fishes skin but its rare.
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Old 09-03-2007, 08:01 PM
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Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
When garlic is cut or pressed, it releases a chemical (forget the name)
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Old 09-08-2007, 01:47 PM
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GSP - powdered garlic works just as well, if the correct inclusion rate is used. If you refer back to the link that I posted on page 4 of this thread, an inclusion rate of 3% powdered garlic was found to be the magic number in that particular study.
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Old 09-08-2007, 03:31 PM
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I know its only sort of relevant, but here is a little proof of the "killing" power of garlic, Two potential molluscicides useful against pest aeolid nudibranchs common on species of monitpora in aquariums by Eric Borneman.
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Old 09-08-2007, 10:32 PM
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BTW the Ich is gone. Used Coppramine and no issues. Only lost the flame
Thanks Stinky and everyone else
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