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Old 02-20-2006, 05:38 PM
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No offense.. but regardless of cost, since when was it ever acceptable for a company NOT to take back their defective product which results in disastrous results to their clients.

It's a facet of business.. and expense.

This behavior of Kent's is unacceptable
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Old 02-20-2006, 09:16 PM
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Just got responce from J&L:
Two options since you are local:

1. Send sample to Kent, and they will replace bucket of salt
2. Bring in bucket and we'll replace.

If anyone orders Kent salt we are informing them before shipping. I was told
by Kent that it was one batch (70 buckets). If that is the case then not all
of ours is bad.



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Old 02-20-2006, 09:37 PM
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Default slight underestimation

I wonder whats the likelihood that 70 buckets were distributed all over the US and Canada to have this defective batch of salt? I think they are either -
- in a damage control mode,
- have a severe underestimation of the problem
- a typo (700 instead of 70)

But regardless if JL is willing to replace, now THAT is customer service. Kuddos for them

Originally Posted by Denis
Just got responce from J&L:
Two options since you are local:

1. Send sample to Kent, and they will replace bucket of salt
2. Bring in bucket and we'll replace.

If anyone orders Kent salt we are informing them before shipping. I was told
by Kent that it was one batch (70 buckets). If that is the case then not all
of ours is bad.


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Old 02-20-2006, 09:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Denis
Just got responce from J&L:
If anyone orders Kent salt we are informing them before shipping. I was told
by Kent that it was one batch (70 buckets). If that is the case then not all
of ours is bad.

Somehow I don't believe it was just 70 buckets. I mean, think about the assembly line process. If those 70 buckets came off the conveyer belt, they would have been loaded onto pallets of 24 buckets each. That would mean there would have been 3.916666 pallets (used my calculator ) of bad salt. So how did, say, 4 pallets of salt make it so far around Kent's distribution network?

From the RC thread here is a list, so far, of people and their locations that got the bad salt...

doccarbon, Tecumseh, MI
scyphozoa, no location listed
turbodiesel01, Berryville, AR
aquaconnect, Aurora (no state named)
E-A-G-L-E-S, Lehigh Valley, PA
jmicky41, Indiana

And then from this thread (both could be from one source) ....

Denis, Abbotsford,BC
Brennan, Duncan, BC

Methinks me smells a rat

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Old 02-20-2006, 09:59 PM
Jim Barry Jim Barry is offline
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I just tested my new bucket of Yellow label Kent salt that I received from Ocean Aquatics 2 weeks ago.

the water tested at 1.9 dkh at specific gravity of 1.025 (using a refractometer)

If you received any salt from Ocean Aquatics in the last while.... make sure you test it !!!

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Old 02-20-2006, 10:06 PM
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I read somewhere else that it was around 100 pails. But yeah, I agree with Bev and I think it's probably closer to 25 pallets.
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Old 02-20-2006, 10:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Jim Barry
I just tested my new bucket of Yellow label Kent salt that I received from Ocean Aquatics 2 weeks ago.

the water tested at 1.9 dkh at specific gravity of 1.025 (using a refractometer)

If you received any salt from Ocean Aquatics in the last while.... make sure you test it !!!

oa in vancouver is still working off of the older buckets of kent salt. i have 1 bad pail and i have another so im not sure i want to open it.
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Old 02-20-2006, 10:17 PM
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I would be willing to bet that it is a lot more than that if the distribution is that wide. When they had the problem a few years ago with Instant Ocean it was restricted geographically to (for the most part) the West Coast and yet the damage that was done to peoples tanks was devastating.
This certainly does a lot of damage to Kent's reputation and does not say much for their quality control to let events like this happen twice in the last 5-6 years, to say nothing of how much it will cost them at the end of the day both in actual monitary costs as well as a loss of customers. They lost me as a customer for their salt products during their last 'event' and this only confirms my fears.
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Old 02-20-2006, 11:50 PM
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I just got my two buckets from J&L Frioday. I opened one and mixed a test batch today. Its one of the bad ones too; 1.3 dhk @ 1.026 SG. I will have to get hold of J&L to see about replacement or suppliments. I didn't get any warning when I ordered it, but I think it was before this problem became known.
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Old 02-21-2006, 12:08 AM
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after reading this thread I tested my salt yesterday and came up with:
Alk 1.9dKH
pH 8.2
Ca 620ppm
Temp 78F
SG 1.025

I've been wondering why my calcium and alk and PH readings seemed so out of whack. The more I did water changes the worse it got. Now it all makes sense.

I purchased mine from a small local independant LFS. They were unaware of it until I notified them yesterday. They are checking into it and I'm sure they will take care of me.
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