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View Poll Results: What Is Your Belief or Non-belief in God?
I strongly believe in God and go to my place of worship regularly. 11 22.00%
I strongly believe in my personal view of God, but do not go to a place of worship. 19 38.00%
God must be around somewhere, otherwise where did the universe come from? 4 8.00%
I definitely do not believe in God because I believe science will answer all our questions about where the universe came from. 7 14.00%
I believe God and I believe science will eventually prove God's existence. 2 4.00%
I find it hard to believe in God when so many bad things are happening in the world. 2 4.00%
Believing in God is for weak and fearful people, not for me. 5 10.00%
Voters: 50. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 02-22-2005, 05:21 PM
reefhawk reefhawk is offline
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Default great topic

This subject is best discussed between close friends in front of a fire with a few beverages!
Have always believed there is a heaven and a hell, and we live it right here on earth. Totally our own choice which we get and when. Funny how all the mainstream religions ( and maybe some not so mainstream, I don't know) all have similar rules for life. Tell the truth, don't steal, don't kill, etc etc. Surely good rules to live by. Would be a shame if such discussions were dis allowed here, most people seem fairly respectful of one and other and their respective opinions. Certainly much more so than the general population. Interesting topic considering we all play God a little with our tanks. Hope God has a better plan for mankind than I do for my reef!!!
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Old 02-22-2005, 07:18 PM
Nemain Nemain is offline
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I am a #2 person as well. I grew up in the Catholic faith, around 14 I decided there was no God, tried Wicca for a while... decided that wasn’t the truth, and have slowly moved back into Christianity; although my beliefs don't seem to fit with any particular sect of Christianity. My father is an athiest, my mom calls herself a spiritualist, and my brother is a buddist.

I don’t hold much confidence in organized religion/the church, but my faith in a higher being is 100%.

I would hate to see posts like this disallowed. It is my opinion that it is not the controversy that makes a post turn bad, but the posters themselves. In this case, I would say we are a pretty liberal and understanding group.
Worry is like a rocking chair, it will give you something to do, but it won\'t get you anywhere.
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Old 02-25-2005, 06:46 PM
BCOrchidGuy BCOrchidGuy is offline
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Excellent posts, love all the opinions. Diversity, tolerance and love... sounds like the 60s all over again... and I remember them but I missed woodstock.

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Old 02-25-2005, 07:48 PM
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I don't want to go boring people to death like I did in the Baby Elephant thread , but I voted #1. I am really impressed with the comments in the thread. I was a philosophy major in university and really found "The Problem of Evil" fascinating. I do not believe that the atrocities/calamities in the world are evidence that there is no God. I believe that there is a purpose for why we are all here, more than just being a planet-sized aquarium. I don't believe God wants horrible things to happen but also believe that our personal free agency is vital to our own progresion as well as to what God's purpose is. Some people have done wonderful things with that agency and others have done horrible things. The holy texts from the different religions in the world, which I believe were inspired by the same Source, all seem to teach similar principles. I think God does as much as He possibly can to help us do what we should without 'making' us do what we should. JMO.

- Chad
Returning to the hobby after an eight year absence.
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