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Old 01-07-2014, 02:52 AM
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Looks great, won't be long and it'll be back to what it was!
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Old 01-07-2014, 02:54 AM
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Holee molee, from here it looked like your tank was being over-run by GSP

Glad to see you had some time to deal with stuff and hope it turns around for you (baby aside)
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Old 01-07-2014, 03:25 PM
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ooh, looks sparkly clean ! And so much real estate potential :-)
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Old 01-07-2014, 03:33 PM
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Nice to see a bit of the purple Dory

Good luck with the new frags!

PO4 is the bane of a reefers existence (I'm sure it's not alone but it's certainly up there.) There are times I wish I could afford my own seacan of gfo and then I could not feel misery doting it out half-cup by half-cup each week
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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Old 01-06-2015, 10:51 PM
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Ok reef-wise the last couple years have sucked. Big time. After the clearing of the GSP things were okay for awhile but having a couple kids really takes time away from the tank. It did okay for awhile but eventually I lost pretty much all of the SPS (save a couple pieces) and about half the LPS due to various issues, none of which I can seem to recall due to severe baby brain.

Anyhoo, its been awhile and I'm doing the yearly "kickstart the interest in my tank" so here we go.

I've restocked the tank a couple times without success. The ricordea and mushrooms have attempted to have their way with the tank. I've attempted to tame the mushroom population but pretty much left the ricordea alone. I used to have about 5 different colors of ricordea but the orange ones have outcompeted almost everyone at this point and there are only a handful of the other colors left. The two yellow acropora colonies are the sole survivors of the hair algae outbreak of 2012 (which is slowly returning on the right hand side of the tank).

All of the fish are doing well, at some point I lost the filefish. No idea when that happened and no carcass was found. I lost the royal gramma as well. There was no indication that they weren't doing well. They were there and then they just weren't. Currently, the regal tang is going through some sort of issue. I'm not sure if its old age or what (he's almost 12) but he appeared about 3 weeks ago as skin and bones and unenthusiastic about live in general. Upon feeding the tank the usual pellet food, he was only moderately interested so I broke out the big guns: frozen mysis. That seemed to do the trick and in his usual way he has convinced me that I need to feed mysis at least 3 times a day to keep him happy. He has since turned around and is starting to slowly regain weight and look half decent. I say only half because he's a pretty battered looking fish and has lost a lot of the darker coloring around his face over the years. He's no cutesy Disney Dory thats for sure (although he certainly fits that character).

Ugh, I can't upload the rest of the photos. I wish we had a "save post" function. More later
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Old 01-06-2015, 11:20 PM
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it's just good to get an update at all welcome back to your journal lol. sorry to hear about your regal but hopefully things continue to improve. 12 years is crazy awesome!
My 67 392 225 101 94 34 97 404 28 93 209 gallon reef.
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Old 01-07-2015, 01:37 AM
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Sucks to hear about your losses but glad to hear about the 'kickstart'
I've run across fish boredom with pellets before. In my case it's usually an indicator to buy a fresh container as I can't even use up a pair of 125 gram ones in a year - too many other foods
I keep it in the fridge but it doesn't last forever, and I feel it gets stale in the autofeeder
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Old 01-07-2015, 02:33 AM
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Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
it's just good to get an update at all welcome back to your journal lol. sorry to hear about your regal but hopefully things continue to improve. 12 years is crazy awesome!
thanks! I think so too, I thought maybe he was just advancing towards his "golden years" but it would appear theres some life in him yet!
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Old 01-07-2015, 02:35 AM
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Originally Posted by gregzz4 View Post
Sucks to hear about your losses but glad to hear about the 'kickstart'
I've run across fish boredom with pellets before. In my case it's usually an indicator to buy a fresh container as I can't even use up a pair of 125 gram ones in a year - too many other foods
I keep it in the fridge but it doesn't last forever, and I feel it gets stale in the autofeeder
that is quite possible, I don't think my jar was open for more than 6 months but who knows. My concept of time is kind of out there these days. I have a new jar on the go now though, just cracked it open a few weeks ago. Frankly I think the little turd is just more interested in mysis. I used to feed it exclusively until about 6-12 months ago (again that time thing) when I just found I didn't have the time for it and it was so much easier to just chuck some pellet in. All the rest of the fish are fat and happy and now thanks to the 2-3x daily mysis feedings are looking quite portly
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Old 01-07-2015, 03:50 AM
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the other pics I was going to upload. They ain't the prettiest but I had about 5 mins before my youngest came downstairs to find me (again, there is just no escaping that kid ).

Back in March my 4 year old squamosa was having issues and I realized it had a broken hinge. TimT suggested I doctor it up with a piece of velcro and he's still going strong (yay!).

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