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Old 09-29-2012, 02:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Ginu View Post
Out of curiosity, how did you get the kole eating pellets and other stuff?
Mine is not interested in anything but algae although it fattened up quite a bit since I got him... I confess about not cleaning the aquarium for him to eat.
I may have just been lucky ...

The QT has some LR that the Kole lived on for the first few days, so that helped. He was pooping green all the time

The QT has a simple 15w bulb
I kept my office lights off for a couple days, and still sometimes feed with the office lights off
He's getting used to me, but eats better when he can't see me

They get lunch anywhere between 12-2, but the lights come on @ 11am
They get dinner anywhere between 9-10, and the lights go out @ 11pm

It's possible that the Kole was so hungry by lunch that he would eat anything I threw in there

I noticed, on day 2, that he was mouthing pellets, and by day 3 or 4 he was eating most of what he grabbed. Now he eats everything he takes in

I had no problems with him taking to frozen, just a day or 2 and he was hooked

For the nori, I put a piece of rubble on the bottom, with the nori wrapped under an elastic, and left it in all day. I put a new piece in every afternoon
It only took him 1 or 2 days to pick at the rock, then he found the softened nori, and with it staying in the tank all day, I found he was finishing it

2 days ago I put nori on a clip, about half way down the glass, and left it in overnight
The next morning it was still there, but I saw him start picking on it around noon, and it was gone in an hour

Tonight I bought a veggie mag for the Kole and will see how it goes tomorrow
If you haven't seen one of these, you can move it anywhere on the glass you like once it's in the water
I'll train him with this so he's ready for the DT
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Old 10-06-2012, 02:58 AM
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Our purple firefish, Cleo, died today, but the gramma and kole are fine ...
The tank is due for a WC, so I have some small readings of NO2 and 3

Cleo has eaten every meal since we got her on Aug 30 - guess it's just one of those unexplainable losses ...

QT hypo readings are;
pH 7.8-8.1 - Pinpoint probe and Seachem test kit
Temp 79F
Sg 1.009 - calibrated ATC refractometer
NH3/NH4 0.00 - Brand new Elos kit, and brand new Seachem Ammo Alert reads safe
NO2 0.05 or zero - Seachem ( hard to read these kits )
NO3 1.5ish - Seachem

I then ran the Elos ammo test kit with both RO and DT water, and they both read the same, so I'm calling it a zero reading for ammonia in the QT
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Old 10-06-2012, 03:16 AM
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Always sucks when one dies. I was gonna give the old WC line but I didn't want to steal someones glory LOL And you already have one planned
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Old 10-06-2012, 03:21 AM
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Thumbs down

I'm not 'fallow' you must be talking about my tank!
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Old 10-06-2012, 04:12 AM
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Aww Jeez, I might have poisoned Cleo

I just went to feed the fish and the frozen stuff smelled kinda rank. I guess the liquid garlic disguised the smell last night ....
I keep the DT food separate from the QT, so only the Firefish, Kole and Gramma ate this batch

I keep the thawed mysis etc in a small, covered dish in the beerfridge
I use it up in 2-4 days, then thaw more

I'll have to keep a closer eye on my habits and smell the food closer before I use it

Now I feel like a murderer
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Old 10-06-2012, 04:23 AM
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Why do you pre thaw and store rather than just thawing before you feed them?
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Old 10-06-2012, 05:22 AM
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I've been pre-thawing it as I was forgetting to get it ready in time for their dinner

I've been thawing it in a covered dish in the fridge
Then I rinse it in RO and dose it with vities and garlic

Guess I'll have to start thawing it every afternoon when I get home
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Old 10-06-2012, 05:33 AM
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Just throw a piece of frozen in a small glass with tank water and rinse with your RO Takes about 15 minutes.
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Old 10-06-2012, 05:58 AM
Ginu Ginu is offline
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I have a weird routine of feeding frozen... I basically keep everything frozen and cut shavings of them (mysis, clams, mussels and shrimps), then I throw them in a cup of ro/di water and stir. Within 30 seconds its all thawed out and at this point I strain, rinse again with ro/di water, apply garlic and let it sit for 5 min. Right after I throw the entire concussion in a pint of rodi water and feed the tank.

So far it's been working well and haven't had any casualties or issues with the food going bad.

Also my kole finally found the algae clip and it picks at it all day (usually its clean at the end of the day).
If I don't add the sea veggies clip, the kole checks the spot periodically during the day, it's quite funny to watch.
Casual reefer
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Old 10-06-2012, 02:56 PM
molotov molotov is offline
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Very sorry to hear about your loss. I guess you can rest a little easier knowing how she died as opposed to it being a mystery.

when I feed my fish, I slice off a little chunk of brine or mysis and place in a espresso cup to thaw just before feeding. Then with a knife I scoop the thawed food out of the cup with the knife and in the tank it goes. This leaves all the liquid from the food behind.

I'm curious why you rinse it? And also how do you strain it?
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