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Old 05-23-2013, 04:36 PM
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Originally Posted by reefwars View Post
Beautiful fish but hard to take care of and some sacrifices to be made they need to stay fat and ich free
100%. If you can get it to eat that's half the battle already. Beautiful fish to have.
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Old 05-24-2013, 05:10 AM
yycguy yycguy is offline
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Thank you guys for all the info! I am thinking as much as a Achilles is one of the most colourful Tangs it may not be best suited for my tank
What do you guys suggest for another Tang? Jewel? (If I win the loto maybe)
How about a Kole?
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Old 05-24-2013, 03:34 PM
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A kole or any others of the Ctenochaetus tangs would probably do well. A Chevron tang (Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis) is a nice choice too (maybe a bit pricey, but the juvenile colour patterns of this fish is why - very spectacular! The adult colours are not as spectacular but they are still very nice as adults IMHO!) Otherwise in that group there are kole tangs, yellow eye kole tangs, orange stripe tang, and tomini tangs. All very nice!
-- Tony
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Last edited by Delphinus; 05-24-2013 at 03:37 PM.
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Old 05-24-2013, 03:41 PM
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Since I distracted myself and started reading more about these tangs, I might as well link you to this article ... why not ruin 5 minutes of work productivity for someone else as well as myself:
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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Old 05-27-2013, 06:30 PM
yycguy yycguy is offline
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So added a Kole (yellow eye) Tang over the weekend.
So like you said Kien the Purple Tang went immediately after him and took a few junks out of him! I am sure he would have at least stressed him to death. So I grabbed the wife's makeup mirror and fastened it to the side of the tank, and it worked like a charm, the PT was there for the next two days, completely leaving the Kole tang alone.

So removed it this morning and so far (past couple hours) they are swimming around minding each others business.
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Old 05-31-2013, 05:15 PM
yycguy yycguy is offline
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Need some help on my Low Ph 7.9-8.1
First off I am dosing with a Profilux DkH and Ca using Randy's Recipe 1.
Now my alkalinity has been between 8-9 that is with dosing around 218 ml of DkH a day (9 ml - 24 times a day) First question is that a lot?
All my other parameters are ok, other than I think I stripped the P04 a little to quick, it's 0

Salinity 1.025
Temp 78-79
Ca 420 - 450
Mag 1400
Nitrates 0

I did try dosing more but ended up calcifying my pumps.
With the higher dose I was getting a ph up around 8.2.
So what am I missing?
Salt is Reef Crystals
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Old 05-31-2013, 05:20 PM
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Originally Posted by yycguy View Post
Need some help on my Low Ph 7.9-8.1
Personally I don't really see a problem with your pH. My pH swings anywhere from 7.8 to 8.3 throughout the day depending on the day of the week and time of the year. it's been doing this for the entire life of the tank and I have never once done a single thing to directly affect the pH. I would not worry about your pH, especially if everything in your tank is looking good. Let your pH do what it's going to do and focus on all the other parameters. A lot of people don't even bother to test pH and if I didn't have a pH probe on my profilux I wouldn't bother to test my pH either.

All your other parameters look spot on. If your tank is looking good don't fix anything because nothing is broken! :-)
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Old 05-31-2013, 05:45 PM
yycguy yycguy is offline
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Thanks Kien, I guess it's my Apex displaying my PH that brings it to my attention. I just don't get why it appears low? When others say there's is 8.2 or higher? Does the salt blend have something to do with it? I used to use Reefers Best and I am planning on going back to that once I finish up the RC
What should I be aiming for Alkalinity ?
Is 8 ok or should it be closer to 9? Remember for me to get it there I was dosing more DkH and that caused my pump problems
My tank is mainly SPS
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Old 05-31-2013, 07:03 PM
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Originally Posted by yycguy View Post
Thanks Kien, I guess it's my Apex displaying my PH that brings it to my attention. I just don't get why it appears low? When others say there's is 8.2 or higher? Does the salt blend have something to do with it? I used to use Reefers Best and I am planning on going back to that once I finish up the RC
What should I be aiming for Alkalinity ?
Is 8 ok or should it be closer to 9? Remember for me to get it there I was dosing more DkH and that caused my pump problems
My tank is mainly SPS
I totally agree with Kien, PH isn't a big factor as long as it's stable and within 7.8 to 8.3 range. My PH is always around 8.10-8.15 during the day and 7.9-8.0 at night. I know some of us even go to the extend of dosing soda ash only at night to balance out the night time PH swing but I have never gone that extreme.
Salt blend will play a roll in your tank PH but I don't think its a major roll, you can always test the ph in your premixed resevoir before your water change and see where it's at, that wll give you a good idea on whether its gonna make a huge difference in your tank ph.
As far as alk, it depends on if you are running a probiotic system or not. Most probiotic system ie zeovit or pellets would probably prefer parameters closer to NSW which is 7 since higher alk will tend burn the tips of some sps. If you are not runing a probiotic system, you can probably run it at 8 or higher but the key here is STABILITY!
Though a tree grow ever so high, the falling leaves return to the root.

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Old 05-31-2013, 07:48 PM
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Originally Posted by yycguy View Post
Thanks Kien, I guess it's my Apex displaying my PH that brings it to my attention. I just don't get why it appears low? When others say there's is 8.2 or higher? Does the salt blend have something to do with it? I used to use Reefers Best and I am planning on going back to that once I finish up the RC
What should I be aiming for Alkalinity ?
Is 8 ok or should it be closer to 9? Remember for me to get it there I was dosing more DkH and that caused my pump problems
My tank is mainly SPS
what he said :-)

Originally Posted by Bblinks View Post
I totally agree with Kien, PH isn't a big factor as long as it's stable and within 7.8 to 8.3 range. My PH is always around 8.10-8.15 during the day and 7.9-8.0 at night. I know some of us even go to the extend of dosing soda ash only at night to balance out the night time PH swing but I have never gone that extreme.
Salt blend will play a roll in your tank PH but I don't think its a major roll, you can always test the ph in your premixed resevoir before your water change and see where it's at, that wll give you a good idea on whether its gonna make a huge difference in your tank ph.
As far as alk, it depends on if you are running a probiotic system or not. Most probiotic system ie zeovit or pellets would probably prefer parameters closer to NSW which is 7 since higher alk will tend burn the tips of some sps. If you are not runing a probiotic system, you can probably run it at 8 or higher but the key here is STABILITY!
If you poll enough people you'll find that pH really is all over the place if you ask me right now what my pH is I'll tell you that it's 8.1. If you ask me later this evening I'll probably tell you that it is 8.3. If you ask me what my pH is tomorrow morning I'll tell you that it's 7.9.

Also keep in mind that CO2 also affects your pH. The amount of CO2 in your water at any given time varies and you can't not affect this easily. It also varies greatly from tank to tank.

Bottom line, DON'T PANIC! There is nothing wrong with your pH. It is fine. Keep on reefin' on :-)
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