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View Poll Results: Are you happy with your switch to LED?
Happy - Switched from MH to DIY 7 12.28%
Happy - Switched from T5 to DIY 6 10.53%
Happy - Switched from MH to store bought 19 33.33%
Happy - Switched from T5 to stor bought 8 14.04%
Unhappy - Switched from MH to DIY 0 0%
Unhappy - Switched from T5 to DIY 0 0%
Unhappy - Switched from MH to store bought 4 7.02%
Unhappy - Switched from T5 to store bought 5 8.77%
Happy - this is my first light 7 12.28%
Unhappy - this is my first light 3 5.26%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 57. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 06-29-2011, 09:53 PM
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Originally Posted by mark View Post
be nice of those who voted UNHAPPY stated why...
+1. I'm thinking of DIY for a 24" deep 90 gallon. I'd like to hear from the unhappy voters.
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Old 06-29-2011, 11:31 PM
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Originally Posted by mark View Post
be nice of those who voted UNHAPPY stated why...
you wont get anyone posting Mark. i bet
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Old 06-30-2011, 01:16 AM
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Very happy, so far, with my SWC Extreme led unit over my 20g tank. I,m finally getting some colour and growth from the few sps I have.
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Old 07-03-2011, 01:36 AM
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I too would like to hear from the 2 or 3 who posted they were unhappy.

I have had both MH and LED and in my opinion LED is clearly superior.
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Old 07-04-2011, 07:21 PM
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Originally Posted by naesco View Post
I too would like to hear from the 2 or 3 who posted they were unhappy.

I have had both MH and LED and in my opinion LED is clearly superior.
+1. Big time.

160 gallon Reef, almost all SPS, a few LPS, small handfull of Zoas, and 5 clams. LOVING the upgrade (now that most of the work is done!)

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Old 07-04-2011, 08:06 PM
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Take the poll for what it's worth guys, no point calling people out. There are many reasons why people might not be happy with LEDs. Could have been a lower grade fixture which didn't perform as expected, could have been a PFO which I don't believe many happy customers still exist, could be a little regret not waiting to buy the newest model, or maybe just maybe some people still prefer MH. Not everyone wants to drive a Prius and you're always going to find some people unhappy with a purchase no matter how strange you might think that is. There are also many reasons why people wouldn't post there experience, one is the risk of being harassed by the new followers of LED religion, I mean you're already calling them out for posting on an anonymous poll.....
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Old 07-04-2011, 08:27 PM
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Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
Take the poll for what it's worth guys, no point calling people out. There are many reasons why people might not be happy with LEDs. Could have been a lower grade fixture which didn't perform as expected, could have been a PFO which I don't believe many happy customers still exist, could be a little regret not waiting to buy the newest model, or maybe just maybe some people still prefer MH. Not everyone wants to drive a Prius and you're always going to find some people unhappy with a purchase no matter how strange you might think that is. There are also many reasons why people wouldn't post there experience, one is the risk of being harassed by the new followers of LED religion, I mean you're already calling them out for posting on an anonymous poll.....

ummmm what sphelps said lol i think you all scared them away lol fact of the matter is not a product in the world that every single person is going to be happy with regardless of how many that are and im sure everyone has their own reasons
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Old 07-04-2011, 08:50 PM
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Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
Take the poll for what it's worth guys, no point calling people out. There are many reasons why people might not be happy with LEDs. Could have been a lower grade fixture which didn't perform as expected, could have been a PFO which I don't believe many happy customers still exist, could be a little regret not waiting to buy the newest model, or maybe just maybe some people still prefer MH. Not everyone wants to drive a Prius and you're always going to find some people unhappy with a purchase no matter how strange you might think that is. There are also many reasons why people wouldn't post there experience, one is the risk of being harassed by the new followers of LED religion, I mean you're already calling them out for posting on an anonymous poll.....
It is not a matter of 'calling people out' or harrassing them. I am simply interested in the reasons and it could be for one of the reasons you stated.

The original poster wanted to hear from those who were unhappy as well. If they choose not to post their reasons that is fine with me.
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Old 07-04-2011, 09:05 PM
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I'm sticking with halides till the prices come down more. My corals do great but there's always the heat problem will switch in a few years for sure. My mom upgraded to an 800$ led unit on her cube tank and its amazing. Of corse the diff was huge as she had compacts on it b4.

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Old 07-04-2011, 09:25 PM
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I'd actually love to consider a move to LED. When I look at the options though .. and I'll give this thread as a perfect example, someone early on mentioned a unit over their size tank that is similar in size to mine - and for the briefest of instants I toyed with the fantasy of switching - so over to the vendor mentioned, find the unit listed and .... oh wow 4 grand, ok, this fantasy is over. To use the Prius metaphor .. that's like buying a Prius but paying the price of a Porsche GT4. Unless I'm overlooking something it feels to me there's a HUGE disconnect between investment and return. To me the question isn't about whether LED's can "work" or not, that's immaterial. They work well enough, I believe that without question. The problem to me is the enormous cost burden up front. With my current setup I probably spent less than $500 to get it set up but I can mix and match as time goes on or add another T5 here or a spotlight LED there .. I can buy a LOT of replacement lamps and pay the difference in electricity for many many many MANY years before I hit 4 grand. I'd love to make the plunge but until I get a huge pile of money to burn it doesn't look like it's going to happen anytime soon.
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