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Old 09-19-2011, 12:56 PM
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If you need some more sand for that tank contact Cyberdude47 (Lonnie). He has a whole garbage can full of it left over from his 500gal teardown.
"We shall dive down through black abysses... and in that lair of the Deep Ones we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory forever." - H.P. Lovecraft

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Old 09-20-2011, 04:50 AM
1eyedjyde 1eyedjyde is offline
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Yeah i will probably do that. I will take stock of what i have but I will get ahold of him if I could use some more. I have to start rinsing out the old sand since its been in wet storage, I think if I stir it up now it will have the strong smell of death.

Also I'm now in day 3 and the NTS is in full effect, diatoms have now covered large areas of the live rock not previously covered with other stuff. My lonely snail and hermit crab have a pretty daunting task ahead of them so where in town can you get snails i think i'd rather have more snails then hermits, since if you get both, the snails just end up food for the hermits and hermits are food for bigger hermits.
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Old 09-20-2011, 05:43 AM
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Allan can probably order some in for you but he's in Vegas for a few days. Total Pet ususally sells crabs but I have'nt really seen them bring in many snails. Other than that your best bet is ordering from J&L.
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Old 09-20-2011, 06:44 AM
1eyedjyde 1eyedjyde is offline
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Looks like I'll be placing a JL oder here pretty soon then lol.
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Old 09-24-2011, 04:10 AM
1eyedjyde 1eyedjyde is offline
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Today I found that my skimmer realy isn't set up quite right. It seems to be skimming a little dry cause when I got home today the skimmate bubbles had filled the collection cup and had lifted the lid off the skimmer and started collecting on the inside of the stand. I will have to adjust to get a slightly wetter skimmate.
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Old 10-12-2011, 04:03 AM
1eyedjyde 1eyedjyde is offline
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Here area some pics of the new addition. A little yellow tang.
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Old 07-04-2013, 06:16 AM
1eyedjyde 1eyedjyde is offline
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Since I haven’t posted anything resent regarding my tank progress I figured I’d resurrect this old thread and drop some photo updates basically from the very beginning until now the good the bad and the ugly.

Progress has been slow and additions few and far between but over the first year my fish stock list consisted of a pair of False Percs, 6 Green Chromis, 2 Green Clown Gobies 1 Yellow Tang and a few snails and crabs. I eventually added a couple Yellow Clown Gobies and a Blue Spot Watchman Goby, however the Blue Spot decided to go for a swim through the overflow and got beat up in the filter sock and the Yellow Clowns were picking the polyps off my Acroporas so they were banished to the sump.

At about 1 ½ years I added a Kole Tang to the mix however things didn’t go well between the Kole and the Yellow, they battled for a couple days while I plastered the tank with pictures of other tangs to help disperse the aggression however in the end I had a wicked Ich outbreak and the Kole tang died, and between the Ich and the subsequent attempt at quarantining the remaining fish all but 3 Chromis, and 1 Green Clown Goby survived.

In the past 3 months I have reintroduced a Yellow Tail blue Damsel and a Talbots Damsel (I think I may add a few more Talbots as they are a nicely coloured active fish with very little aggression) I also have a trio of Green Chromis to add to the existing three once they are a bit larger and able to compete. I have also added 3 Mexican Turbo snails to help out the other turbo snails, which have been there since the beginning, several scarlet leg hermits and nassarius snails, as well as a cleaner shrimp and fire shrimp (both shrimp were lost possibly due to crabs but not sure only one body was recovered).

Coral additions have been sporadic, but things have been growing faster now that parameters have settled down and Nitrates and Phosphates have been reduced to near zero, and the tank is looking fuller and more like a mixed reef than a diatom farm.

Over the past 2 years I have had only a few additions equipment wise and have kept things fairly basic. For the 1st 8 months my lighting consisted of a single 250 watt MH pendent sintered over the tank. After that I got the second pendant up and running with Phoenix bulbs in both and the lighting situation was vastly improved. The other addition that has really helped the Phosphate situation was the addition of a BRS dual reactor to run GFO and Carbon. I also dose vinegar daily to help keep thing in check. As far as supplements go I started dosing using the BRS bulk stuff for Ca, Alk and Mg, but have for the past 6 months been using Calcium Chloride deicing salt for my Ca and baked Backing Soda for Alk since I have to dose about 90 ml each per day to keep up. I also now have a 30 gal quarantine tank up and running for any new additions.

Here are some photos starting from the beginning:

Getto Reef Aug 2011

FTS Sept 17, 2011

FTS March 19, 2012

FTS Oct 30, 2012

FTS July 3, 2013

Green Monti March 19, 2012

Green monti July 3, 2013

Orange Acan March 19, 2012

Orange Acan July 3, 2013

Green Acro w/ Blue Tips Oct 30, 2012

Green Acro w/ Blue Tips July 3, 2013
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Old 07-04-2013, 06:03 PM
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In the past 3 months I have reintroduced a Yellow Tail blue Damsel and a Talbots Damsel (I think I may add a few more Talbots as they are a nicely coloured active fish with very little aggression)[quote]

Be careful with the Talbots. I found mine to be very aggressive with anything added after they were. killed a watchman and chased a couple of wrasses to the point of jumping. I have a cover so they didn't make it to the carpet, but would have. They are my biggest regret, actually wanted to spear them to get rid of them.
Of coourse all fish are different and your milage may very, but just a heads up..

Nice tank BTW

Last edited by ensquire; 07-04-2013 at 06:15 PM.
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Old 07-04-2013, 07:16 PM
1eyedjyde 1eyedjyde is offline
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Thanks for the reply, I'll have to watch out for the Talbots, currently it is on the bottom of pecking order and it hasn't gone into beast mode, but fish can do weird things when they get together. I'll see how it reacts to the Chromis when I introduce them.

In the past 3 months I have reintroduced a Yellow Tail blue Damsel and a Talbots Damsel (I think I may add a few more Talbots as they are a nicely coloured active fish with very little aggression)

Be careful with the Talbots. I found mine to be very aggressive with anything added after they were. killed a watchman and chased a couple of wrasses to the point of jumping. I have a cover so they didn't make it to the carpet, but would have. They are my biggest regret, actually wanted to spear them to get rid of them.
Of coourse all fish are different and your milage may very, but just a heads up..

Nice tank BTW
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Old 09-04-2013, 05:48 AM
1eyedjyde 1eyedjyde is offline
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Last edited by 1eyedjyde; 09-04-2013 at 05:52 AM.
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