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Old 11-17-2010, 05:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
If they have it documented that should you find a lower price on the same product, in stock at a local competitor, you then have legal recourse. I'm not familiar with the wording, but they apparently feel it doesn't apply to this transaction. So either details are lacking here, or you need to call your provincial consumer protection agency.
What exactly is their reasoning for refusing to honor this policy?
That is what I am getting at... The customer should not have to fight for it, they should be able to present what they have and based on that, either get it or not.... In my case, I feel I have a valid presentation, but again it is easy for any retailer to not agree and deny it.

Again, buyer beware... I feel I have tested their Price Gaurantee, and they failed. Oh well.

Edit: sorry I didn't answer your final question.... They don't think our sponsors that I gave as examples qualify... Our sponsors have storefronts, and did qaulify based on what they promote... Also, I gave the actual manufacturer as an example, which everyone who has storefronts is selling at the same price as them or for a few bucks more. For a store example Oceanic Corals sells it for $289, they are a storefront and online, but their storefront presence doesn't qualify?

Setup: 180G DT, 105G Refuge (approx. 300lbs LR, 150lbs Aragonite)
Hardware: Super Reef Octopus SSS-3000, Tunze ATO, Mag 18 return, 2x MP40W, 2X Koralia 4's Wavemaker
Lighting: 5ft Hamilton Belize Sun (2x250W MH, 2X80W T5HO)
Type of Aquarium: mixed reef (SPS & LPS) with fish
Dosing: Mg, Ca, Alk

Last edited by globaldesigns; 11-17-2010 at 05:19 AM.
Old 11-17-2010, 05:20 AM
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Originally Posted by globaldesigns View Post
Mikey, Mikey, Mikey... If you are going to quote my entry, please quote it all, as I stated I posted the online store policy, NOT the retail store... please don't try to make me look like an idiot. AS I AM NOT!!!!

So my post you are referring to still stands. GEEZ, this is what irritates me.
I didn't say you were an idiot. I said you were incorrect. I'll try again:

Originally Posted by globaldesigns View Post
Here is the link to Big Al's Best Price Gaurantee (for online website):

If the stores support the same rules, but only storefronts (not online shops) then they can call many of our sponsors with storefronts. Of which I told them about. These canreef sponsors have them in stock, have storefronts, and qaulify for the Price Gaurantee. So again what gives?

Like I said, buyer beware... And take their price gaurantee's and ignore them as they don't have any merit.
I'm not trying to misquote you, merely highlighting the bolded portion. Big Al's retail outlet in Calgary is not ignoring any price guarantee that you've posted. It specifically states in the online agreement that those terms apply ONLY to the online stores and ONLY to sales at other online outlets.

My point is this: You've claimed that Big Al's is ignoring its Price Guarantee as found online. I'm telling you it doesn't apply to Big Al's in Calgary. Unfortunately, being limited to the online store, Big Al's has every right to refuse to uphold them.

Now, if they have a different IN STORE policy that was guaranteed to you (check the back of your receipt?) you may have an argument. Or find that pamphlet.
Old 11-17-2010, 05:22 AM
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Originally Posted by TheMikey View Post
I didn't say you were an idiot. I said you were incorrect. I'll try again:

I'm not trying to misquote you, merely highlighting the bolded portion. Big Al's retail outlet in Calgary is not ignoring any price guarantee that you've posted. It specifically states in the online agreement that those terms apply ONLY to the online stores and ONLY to sales at other online outlets.

My point is this: You've claimed that Big Al's is ignoring its Price Guarantee as found online. I'm telling you it doesn't apply to Big Al's in Calgary. Unfortunately, being limited to the online store, Big Al's has every right to refuse to uphold them.

Now, if they have a different IN STORE policy that was guaranteed to you (check the back of your receipt?) you may have an argument. Or find that pamphlet.
I gave the online page as reference, as they don't post the retail store policies on the corporate website. But in-store they do promote this also, but they state online sites don't qualify. Well I gave retailers that have storefronts, but that isn't good enough. Why? because they deal online also?

Edit: next will they hide behind things like the storefront has to be as big as them, they have to have at least as many staff as them... Sounds like they make up the rules depending on the circumstance.

Setup: 180G DT, 105G Refuge (approx. 300lbs LR, 150lbs Aragonite)
Hardware: Super Reef Octopus SSS-3000, Tunze ATO, Mag 18 return, 2x MP40W, 2X Koralia 4's Wavemaker
Lighting: 5ft Hamilton Belize Sun (2x250W MH, 2X80W T5HO)
Type of Aquarium: mixed reef (SPS & LPS) with fish
Dosing: Mg, Ca, Alk

Last edited by globaldesigns; 11-17-2010 at 05:27 AM.
Old 11-17-2010, 05:26 AM
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One final thing before I go to bed, I think Big Al's handled the situation poorly. Given the importance of customer satisfaction in an age where you can sit at home and order the same thing for less (and much more conveniently), I think they've alienated the customer. And given the rather small population of hobbyists in Canada, I think good word of mouth and having happy customers is of utmost importance.

With that in mind, though, my point remains that they've done nothing wrong, nor - from the evidence provided - are they obligated to correct. As a private business, they are free to create the rules they run their business upon. Businesses can hide behind whatever rules they like - sometimes to their own detriment - but that doesn't mean they owe the consumer anything (which is why I avoid large chains in general).
Old 11-17-2010, 05:28 AM
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Originally Posted by globaldesigns View Post
I gave the online page as reference, as they don't post the retail store policies on the corporate website. But in-store they do promote this also, but they state online sites don't qualify. Well I gave retailers that have storefronts, but that isn't good enough. Why? because they deal online also?
The simple answer might be because the Calgary store is a franchise and is competing with the Big Al's Online store. I have no idea how Big Al's corporate structure works, but it's possible that the online retailer is another entity entirely and not affiliated with the Calgary location at all other than by name.
Old 11-17-2010, 05:30 AM
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Originally Posted by TheMikey View Post
One final thing before I go to bed, I think Big Al's handled the situation poorly. Given the importance of customer satisfaction in an age where you can sit at home and order the same thing for less (and much more conveniently), I think they've alienated the customer. And given the rather small population of hobbyists in Canada, I think good word of mouth and having happy customers is of utmost importance.

With that in mind, though, my point remains that they've done nothing wrong, nor - from the evidence provided - are they obligated to correct. As a private business, they are free to create the rules they run their business upon. Businesses can hide behind whatever rules they like - sometimes to their own detriment - but that doesn't mean they owe the consumer anything (which is why I avoid large chains in general).
Mikey, well put and I do agree with most points.

Even though I don't agree with what happened to me, it is their business, and they can do what they wish... I just wanted to post this poor attempt to customer service and customer retention. They failed at both.

Edit: I am not going to give Big Al's credit for this, but the skimmer is working like a hot damn. So support the Canreef Sponsors, buy from them, they are cheaper.

Setup: 180G DT, 105G Refuge (approx. 300lbs LR, 150lbs Aragonite)
Hardware: Super Reef Octopus SSS-3000, Tunze ATO, Mag 18 return, 2x MP40W, 2X Koralia 4's Wavemaker
Lighting: 5ft Hamilton Belize Sun (2x250W MH, 2X80W T5HO)
Type of Aquarium: mixed reef (SPS & LPS) with fish
Dosing: Mg, Ca, Alk

Last edited by globaldesigns; 11-17-2010 at 05:35 AM.
Old 11-17-2010, 12:01 PM
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Originally Posted by TheMikey View Post
Like you said, the problem is that online stores don't have to worry about paying employees, shipping, lease on property, etc. so they can do it cheaper than a brick and mortar store. With this in mind, I would never honour a price brought in from the internet if I were working in retail (and I did, for nine years). It's like printing off a price from eBay and trying to get Futureshop to match it.
Of coarse they have all these expenses to worry about. On-line stores have huge warehouses that they have to pay to have the goods shipped in, orders over $35 ship free from Big Al's so guess who's paying for the shipping, the warehouse doesn't come for free (lease, taxes, utilities), lots of warehouse people to pay salaries to, plus customer service reps and people doing the accounting/billing. They have all the expenses of a retail store but since it's on a much larger scale and don't have customer wandering around the warehouse it can be done more efficiently and they also don't have the live animals to deal with reducing costs further.
Old 11-17-2010, 01:06 PM
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I wonder why the other LFSs that many of us frequent are so untouchable. I've had the same experience with EVERY LFS in Calgary - bar none. It is very disheartening to price something with JL, drive to a LFS only to be quoted 20% more. I've just accepted that buying locally means paying more. The sad part is that this also means that I avoid buying locally.

I know that there is loyalty pricing offered at the stores here in Calgary. I'd like the owners of these stores to read this and understand that this approach is counter productive. If I had been offered the best price from the start, I would have spent A LOT more money locally.

As an extreme example: when I looked for quotes for my new tank, our favorite store here in Calgary felt that it was appropriate to mark it up by $1200 and then had the balls to tell me that they were doing me a favor? All they were actually doing was brokering the deal with the builder. It's unfortunate all around, but I haven't been back to that store.
Old 11-17-2010, 02:02 PM
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isn't it nice to actually get to bitch about non sponsoring lfs'?
Old 11-17-2010, 03:26 PM
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Originally Posted by gobytron View Post
isn't it nice to actually get to bitch about non sponsoring lfs'?

Well, we expect that if one has a concern with one of our vendors, that they express their concerns and/or compliments in that vendor's forum. That's the purpose of the sponsors having forums.
For non-sponsoring vendors, please keep reviews accurate without name calling, and use reasonable judgement in your post. If you're upset about impulse shopping, try not to impulse post about it.
Also keep in mind that should you receive good service from a store, you mention that too.
We want to strive towards sharing knowledge within the community, but we want to ensure a respectful and mature approach to it.
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