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Old 10-29-2010, 08:34 PM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
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Originally Posted by naesco View Post

Are you saying that you can keep a Moorish Idol alive long term if.

1. It is housed in a large tank sufficient to accommodate a tang or Moorish Idol. (6 foot minimum)

2. The Flow is MASSIVE.
Tentatively, yes.

3. The fish is fed up to 10 times a day with the NLS food.
Do not cherry pick my posts. I said3-10 times, quantity being whatever the owners felt like (without turning their tanks into cesspools). So yes.

4. The fish is the only fish in the tank.
No, solitary as in no other Moorish Idols.

Am I correct on this?

Yup - though it certainly feels like I am setting myself up for a trap

I would also like to add that all of this should be taken with a healthy dose of common sense with regards to the individual fish. If you are addressing me with the intent of catching me on a "gotcha" moment, consider my participation in this thread over.

Pre-emptive Godwin's Law Nazi post <here>
This and that.
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