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Old 05-26-2009, 05:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Eb0la11 View Post
Ok, read a bit more about herbies. Still havent read as much as I could about actually constructing one, but got a general understanding. Gate valve is installed to "fine tune" water flow to the sump so that can get a bit of an equilibrium in the overflow box where there is hardly any water sound to help make the tank silent.

Sounds good, but wouldnt I get the exact same effect with my design? I feel like the herbie results in lost air injection into the water. How is this remedied?

Ideally Id like to get a drain pipe that is turbulant inside it and a bit larger than needed so the water sloshes around, mixing with air, but remains quiet inside the pipe, rather than sloshing around at the surface in an overflow.
A herbie will allow just water to travel through one standpipe and air through the other. By eliminating the air from your main standpipe you 1. Reduce Noise almost completely (which in nice) 2. More control. 3. Increased flow rate (that is because their is no air taking up room in the standpipe.

Ive never had anything else other than this tank so I am not familiar with the other styles of drainage. Just keep readings, there are never any shortage of opinions. Did you happen across this forum topic
Tyson Bloom

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Seriously shopping around for a new tank
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Old 06-12-2009, 06:01 AM
Eb0la11 Eb0la11 is offline
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Alright, just got my lighting unit and a small portion of base rock. I'm hoping within 2 weeks we'll be filling the tank.

The light we got is a Coralife Aqua Light Pro 72" version with 250W MHs and 96 W Blue actinics with LED moon lights as well. Im pretty pumped about the purchase. Thank you BahCan for the help with the lighting situation.

We'll be ordering our powerheads very soon. Looking to have around 4500 gallons of flow.

On a side note, I think all of our equipment is surprisingly sufficient enough to handle a 180 gallon tank, including our stand... We're contemplating buying just an already predrilled/overflow 180 gallon and selling our 150... Not sure if this is possible or not just yet but with the stand being 2'x6' and the tank 18"x6', we almost may as well. We'll see though. If we do we'd have to do it in the next two weeks as thats likely our timeline to start filling.

Anyways, just thoguht I'd give a quick update.
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