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Old 02-21-2009, 02:05 PM
atcguy atcguy is offline
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I have used this system for 1 1/2 years now and My tank rocks because of this stuff.. I use bak, bio, mins and Amin and powertrace 1-4 . and of course the Lith.. Ultralife has been amazing aswell for polyp extention.... Works for me.. so i dont care what people say....
White Rock
Old 02-21-2009, 02:34 PM
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Hi Doug,

I will try and answer your valid questions as you list them

1st. Understand how to use it correct.

When purchasing fauna marin you have clear direct access to me, if a new user provides me with accurate data on their system, i will then personally set them up with a dosing schedule for a 14 day period. That user then has access back to me at any time within that time to ask any questions that may come up. After two weeks we should have a clear understanding of what your tank requires to achieve the goals you personally want.

2nd. Understand how it will help me.

Education! Let me know what your aims are and we will match a product to that need, never providing anything you dont need just for the hell of getting a sale, as my philosophy stands, one off sales dont build a product brand!

3rd. Its cost comparison with the other products I use now, that are pretty cheap.

Ok lets look at one product Ultra Min-S, this is the key ingredient that locks everythign else together

100ml will set you back $25.00, ok so how far will that take you.

Based on the average tank of 90 gallons (350L) on an average dosing of 1ml a day this will cost you $00.25c a day to run.

Ok so you want to use the product basically for what Mike has used it for.

Phos removal
Nitrate reduction
Polyp extension

To achieve all that without going down the full Lith route, you require the following

Ulta Bio 50ml ($54)
Ultra bak 100ml ($25)
Ultra Min-S 100ml ($25)

Ok shock horror over $100!! But now lets see how far that will carry you for your 30 gallon system (100L)

Ultra bio
Dose until phos and nitrate have gone @ 2drops (not ml) every third day. Once the nutrients are down decrease to 1 drop. At this rate the bottle should last you 4 months (90 days)
Cost $00.45c a day

Ultra bak
Dose daily at 1ml a day
Cost $00.25c a day

Ultra Min-S
Dose at 1ml a day
cost $00.25c a day

Total cost a day for running this will be approx $00.95c or $6.65 a week

Now how much have you spent on products that only do one thing like phos removal, and does that product really do what you hoped it would do?

The above is based on average starting nutrients and a maintained tank that has a 10% water change a week.
Old 02-21-2009, 03:01 PM
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I just checked out your thread, and what could be improved by using the fauna stuff i mention.

Well for sure you have a nutrient issue, this has two effects, the red turf and yes some may be shocked at this, the higher nutrient will lead to polyp extension as the corals have a strong food source, how many know that SPS use Ammonia as a food source?

Ok so if high nutrients or at least a degree of nutrients can give polyp extension why get rid of them?

Well your not, you are replacing them with the real nutrients SPS need (amino acids and vitamins). But by removing the PO4, nitrate etc nutrients you are also removing the ones that stunt growth, stop true colouration, and importantly seed algae growth.

When you reduce nutrients using bio and bak if you do not add a food source you will crash the tank as the corals have nothing to feed on, this is where the Min-S is the building block

The bad nutrients you removed, all be it gave you polyp extension, is then replaced by a nutrient source that will provide growth, colouration and not feed algea blooms

Its all about replacing a nutrient that may give one effect but also feeds negative effects, with a nutrient that will provide sustainability.
Old 02-22-2009, 02:47 AM
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Sorry guys, but I just felt the urge to chime in here....very untypical of myself, particularly as a retailer here on Canreef...not a mediator, bragger or wanting to get another post like some here.

Our coral tank was battling some Phosphate and Nitrate spikes, which resulted in several algaes (Cotton Candy Algae, Green Hair Algae, Valonia, etc.) issues, poor polyp extension and coloration....common problems stemming from a high bio-load within the nutrient rich waters of a small closed system. This tank and its inhabitants demanded more attention. We also did not want to spend additional time and money on equipment, additives, water changes, etc. I started reading the threads here on Canreef, other forums and European sites. It sounded too good to be true...and like most other products, I need to try them before I pass judgement. I purchased my FAUNA MARIN Ultra Lith starter kit and Ultra Power-Trace additives last month. I removed the Red Sea AquaZone Ozonizer/Controller, Phosban reactor and extra pumps....then started dosing on February 1/09. The results were obvious within days. As Mike stated here earlier, the Nitrates and Phosphates dropped better than with the iron-based medias...even with the heated sample indicated 0 Phosphates. My Nitrates have dropped to less than 5 ppm and the glass is so clean that it seldom requires cleaning. Polyp extension and SPS colors are excellent and getting better every day. Our future seems brighter with the FAUNA MARIN Ultra Lith system. Now I gotta tell you, I do not force people to purchase product (particularly something that is relatively new to myself). That is just not me. As a matter of fact, I detest high pressure sales people. I must say that from what I have experienced thus far, this portion of the FAUNA MARIN line is truly amazing and should have no problem selling itself. It rightfully deserves two thumbs up in our books. Still skeptical?? I encourage you to stay online, read and ask questions..even try it yourself. Soon you too will be a believer.

Unfortunately there are very few pictures of our coral tank prior to initiating the Ultra Lith program, however, I will try to post some pictures here within the next few days. Mike should too...If he ever gets back from shopping. I want to see the Acropora suharsonoi and Acropora nana now!! Post some before and after pics if you can.

While I have the soap box, I also want to mention that you will receive superior support from Michael (aka AQUA-DIGITAL here on Canreef) and FAUNA MARIN. Attributed to this, THE REEF SHOPPE will be bringing the entire FAUNA MARIN product line on-board soon. Stay tuned.
Old 02-22-2009, 02:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Aqua-Digital View Post

I just checked out your thread, and what could be improved by using the fauna stuff i mention.

Well for sure you have a nutrient issue, this has two effects, the red turf and yes some may be shocked at this, the higher nutrient will lead to polyp extension as the corals have a strong food source, how many know that SPS use Ammonia as a food source?

Ok so if high nutrients or at least a degree of nutrients can give polyp extension why get rid of them?

Well your not, you are replacing them with the real nutrients SPS need (amino acids and vitamins). But by removing the PO4, nitrate etc nutrients you are also removing the ones that stunt growth, stop true colouration, and importantly seed algae growth.

When you reduce nutrients using bio and bak if you do not add a food source you will crash the tank as the corals have nothing to feed on, this is where the Min-S is the building block

The bad nutrients you removed, all be it gave you polyp extension, is then replaced by a nutrient source that will provide growth, colouration and not feed algea blooms

Its all about replacing a nutrient that may give one effect but also feeds negative effects, with a nutrient that will provide sustainability.
Thanks for taking the time to do that Mike. My apology for not linking it for you.
Old 02-22-2009, 02:51 PM
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No trouble I hope it was a useful exercise for you
Old 03-01-2009, 12:23 AM
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If I was to use the complete system on my tank, without a sump or reactor, could I run the bagged Ultra Lith in my AC 110 pf ?
Old 03-01-2009, 03:03 AM
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Gonna sound silly here but whats an AC 110 PF
Old 03-01-2009, 02:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Aqua-Digital View Post
Gonna sound silly here but whats an AC 110 PF

Aqua Clear 110 power filter as its called now. Used to be the 500. Its my main filter on the back of the cube, beside my Deltec skimmer. Has a nice up flow of around 500gph through the filter.

Figured the bagged ultra lith in there would not be much different than in a reactor.
Old 03-01-2009, 02:14 PM
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Perfect place then

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