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Old 04-22-2003, 03:44 AM
Quinn Quinn is offline
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yeah, i obviously missed the boat on that one. but i'm with you now. i will remember being gutted by the reefers if this one ever comes up again. i have a good example of another overapplication (is that a word?) of grammar - the word is "sympathetic", therefore one would assume "empathetic" is also correct. however, it is in fact "empathic" (according to a prof of mine, not websters).

as for the transformation of language, i certainly can attest to that. writers in the social sciences liberally change the meaning of words, or create new ones, to suit the circumstances. i can't think of a case in point, but it's something along the lines of "behaviour" and "behaviourism" becoming "behavism".

fascinating - from mandarins, to ethics, to linguistics!

Man, n. ...His chief occupation is extermination of other animals and his own species, which, however, multiplies with such insistent rapidity as to infest the whole habitable earth, and Canada. - A. Bierce, Devil's Dictionary, 1906
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Old 04-22-2003, 04:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Samw

I was surprised to even find out agreeance was a common error. I have never heard it used before.

That's a great site. Definitley! (that one's for you Bob)

Now this is a good discussion.. I am in agreence and also very sympathetic with Quinn on the matter.
Sorry I couldnt help my self
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Old 04-22-2003, 04:58 AM
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Originally Posted by teevee
all of a sudden, a discussion over a mandarins survival in a smallish tank becomes a debate over the ethics of pet-keeping.
Maybe you should stop taking them there..

Darn I go camping for a weekend and look what I miss, another meaning well but overly fanitacial post

Seriously though Teevee you got to stop putting so much faith in your reading, especialy sence you have no practicle experiance to coraspond it to.. I was just like you .. well not so fanatical

but rather in the fact that I read for 2 years befor I started building my crap. what did it tell me.. lets see what I learned sence starting my tank.

1, PC's are cool but no match for MH (books all told me PC were the way to go)

2, a yellow tang and a sailfin tank can't get along in a 94 gal tank (books told me no problem as then only need 40 gal each)

3, A Kalk reactor is prety much essential to maintain good growth, your pocket book, and your sanity when using MH lights (books said a calcuim suplament would be fine)

I could keep going with this for a couple days but my point isn't to show everthing that i have found to be not exactly right but rather to show that yes it is good to read a lot but don't take books for gospal. a book is one persons ( some times two persons) opinion. In fact most books we are reading are already outdated in the sence of moderen methods and equipment.

Personaly for the record i would trust a poll of 50 or more "opinions" over 1 or 2 "opinions"

*everything said above is just my opinion, and may or may not reflect the views of this BBS, its Operators, and its Members. If cornered on any “opinion” I post I will totally deny having ever said this in a Court of Law…Unless I am the right one*

Some strive to be perfect.... I just strive.
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Old 04-22-2003, 05:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Carpentersreef
uh,oh.....Brad's turning into Bob...........

Did he age 30 years and lose his hair

Just kidding Bob

*everything said above is just my opinion, and may or may not reflect the views of this BBS, its Operators, and its Members. If cornered on any “opinion” I post I will totally deny having ever said this in a Court of Law…Unless I am the right one*

Some strive to be perfect.... I just strive.
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Old 04-22-2003, 07:46 PM
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Originally Posted by reef_raf
Originally Posted by Carpentersreef
uh,oh.....Brad's turning into Bob...........

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..................... ......................................
Brad, I wonder if you could remove some of the dots, and H's from this post. It makes the post too wide for my screen, and I have to keep scrolling to read all the fanaticial (not my word) posts.
To be loved you have to be nice to people every day - To be hated you don't have to do squat.

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Old 04-22-2003, 07:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Canadian Man
Originally Posted by Samw

I was surprised to even find out agreeance was a common error. I have never heard it used before.

That's a great site. Definitley! (that one's for you Bob)

Now this is a good discussion.. I am in agreence and also very sympathetic with Quinn on the matter.
Sorry I couldnt help my self
Yes, but don't be fanitacial about it.
To be loved you have to be nice to people every day - To be hated you don't have to do squat.

---------Homer Simpson--------
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Old 04-22-2003, 07:52 PM
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy
Originally Posted by teevee
all of a sudden, a discussion over a mandarins survival in a smallish tank becomes a debate over the ethics of pet-keeping.
Maybe you should stop taking them there..

Darn I go camping for a weekend and look what I miss, another meaning well but overly fanitacial post

Seriously though Teevee you got to stop putting so much faith in your reading, especialy sence you have no practicle experiance to coraspond it to.. I was just like you .. well not so fanatical

but rather in the fact that I read for 2 years befor I started building my crap. what did it tell me.. lets see what I learned sence starting my tank.

1, PC's are cool but no match for MH (books all told me PC were the way to go)

2, a yellow tang and a sailfin tank can't get along in a 94 gal tank (books told me no problem as then only need 40 gal each)

3, A Kalk reactor is prety much essential to maintain good growth, your pocket book, and your sanity when using MH lights (books said a calcuim suplament would be fine)

I could keep going with this for a couple days but my point isn't to show everthing that i have found to be not exactly right but rather to show that yes it is good to read a lot but don't take books for gospal. a book is one persons ( some times two persons) opinion. In fact most books we are reading are already outdated in the sence of moderen methods and equipment.

Personaly for the record i would trust a poll of 50 or more "opinions" over 1 or 2 "opinions"

Wow, lots of new words in this post. I lost count after fanitacial.
To be loved you have to be nice to people every day - To be hated you don't have to do squat.

---------Homer Simpson--------
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Old 04-22-2003, 08:29 PM
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Originally Posted by rcipema
Brad, I wonder if you could remove some of the dots, and H's from this post. It makes the post too wide for my screen, and I have to keep scrolling to read all the fanaticial (not my word) posts.

Yeah, c'mon, Brad....sheesh.

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Old 04-22-2003, 08:32 PM
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I were gonna dew that last nite, but forgetted. I hope you can be empathetic towards my plite. It are don now thouh
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Old 04-22-2003, 09:10 PM
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy
Originally Posted by teevee
all of a sudden, a discussion over a mandarins survival in a smallish tank becomes a debate over the ethics of pet-keeping.
Maybe you should stop taking them there..

Darn I go camping for a weekend and look what I miss, another meaning well but overly fanitacial post

Seriously though Teevee you got to stop putting so much faith in your reading, especialy sence you have no practicle experiance to coraspond it to.. I was just like you .. well not so fanatical

but rather in the fact that I read for 2 years befor I started building my crap. what did it tell me.. lets see what I learned sence starting my tank.

1, PC's are cool but no match for MH (books all told me PC were the way to go)

2, a yellow tang and a sailfin tank can't get along in a 94 gal tank (books told me no problem as then only need 40 gal each)

3, A Kalk reactor is prety much essential to maintain good growth, your pocket book, and your sanity when using MH lights (books said a calcuim suplament would be fine)

I could keep going with this for a couple days but my point isn't to show everthing that i have found to be not exactly right but rather to show that yes it is good to read a lot but don't take books for gospal. a book is one persons ( some times two persons) opinion. In fact most books we are reading are already outdated in the sence of moderen methods and equipment.

Personaly for the record i would trust a poll of 50 or more "opinions" over 1 or 2 "opinions"


I am sure glad that you have a signature line which states that anything you write is OPINION, because in my OPINION most of this post is a load of cr*p
To be loved you have to be nice to people every day - To be hated you don't have to do squat.

---------Homer Simpson--------
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