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Old 07-25-2006, 08:27 AM
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Default Great News

Well let me first start off by saying that I am totally and utterly stunned at what has transpired. I have been communicating with the University of Miami National Resource for Aplysia regarding our purchase and I gave a brief explaination about Canreef and about the Vancouver Reef Aquarium Club. I further explained that most of us are buying to propagate as a food source for our tangs because many of us are trying to give them the most natural food as possible. I received the following email from them today:

Hi there: I spoke to my boss, Thomas Capo, about your organization and showed him your website. Mr. Capo asked me to let you know that he is happy to make a gift of the 30 pounds of gracilaria to the Vancouver Reef Aquarium Club of British Columbia. You will only need to pay the shipping, paperwork and box charges. Tom believes in assisting groups like yours and hopes that this small donation will be of use to your members. We cannot do this very often, but if we have extra algae, we are happy to send it to you for your members.

I would request that you post this on your website so that the members are aware of the gift and that they won’t be charged anything other than shipping for the Gracilaria. If any of your Club Members are doing studies or scientific observations of fish using the gracilaria as primary food source, we ask that they share the information gathered with us and credit the NIH National Resource for Aplysia in anything published.

We can ship out next Tuesday if you wish. Please call with your credit card number to cover the box charges, International paperwork and shipping charge. Thanks so much.
All best Wishes.

It is just such a wonderful feeling to see such generosity and genuine concern for the animals that we love. I didn't know how to express our gratitude with enough "thank yous" to the National Resource for Aplysia. I would respectfully ask that we abide by their request to credit them in anything published as a result of this wonderful donation.
In addition, I would like to ask that the recipients of the donation NOT to turn it around and sell this algae for any monetary gains. In fact we should in turn donate any excess growth to fellow reefers or club members in order to maximize the benefits of the initial donation.

I will continue to liase with the National Resource for Aplysia to acquire our donation. As stated above, shipping costs, box charges and paperwork will be our responsibility. I will assume the initial cost and collect the funds at a later time.

In order to make it FAIR for everyone, there are some good news and some bad news that are as follows:
1) Only those who initially expressed interest in this group buy will receive the algae (so we don't get any bandwagon jumpers now that its a donation)

2) In order for everybody to get a portion, I have limited the amount to 2 lbs maximum (if you asked for 1 lb, you get 1 lb. If you asked for <2 lbs, you get 2 lbs. Except I get 3 lbs cuz I organized this bloody thing). With that in mind, the following amounts will be set aside for each persons:
Chin Lee - 3 lbs
Xtasia - 1 lb
Seahorse - 2 lb
Targa81 - 1 lb
Jimmyray - 2 lb
Seashells - 2 lbs
Chad - 1 lb
Skylord - 1 lb
Marie - 2 lbs
Tigger - 2 lbs
Rikko - 1 lb
GMGQ - 1 lb
More1020 - 1 lb

Calgary (pls see below regarding shipping)
OACalgary - 2 lbs

Fort St. John (pls see below regarding shipping)
Ruth - 2 lbs

Northen Alberta (pls see below regarding shipping)
Psyire - 2 lbs

Edmonton (pls see below regarding shipping)
Funkyfish - 2 lbs
Muck 2 lbs

3) SHIPPING: I never intended on shipping because of the amount of time I have had to put in to acquire it and then having to redistribute it. But since I am such a sucker for punishment, I will ship but read the following because I will not waver from it and please do not PM to make exceptions.
- you will need to pay your share of the initial shipping cost, box charges, paperwork costs. In addition to your shipping cost.
- I will only ship via Canada Post but you decide if you want Prioirty Courier or Xpresspost or regular. Whatever you decide is what I will use but its at your own risk whichever method you choose (keeping in mind of the tempatures we have been experiencing)
- only the amount set aside for you will be shipped to you. I know its more worthwhile to ship more to get your money's worth but with this being a donation, the amount set aside is only fair to all. Unfortunately your 1-2 lbs of seaweed might be costing you quite a bit of $ to be shipped Priority.
- I will send everybody who requires re-shipping a PM to confirm if you are still interested. If you give up your share, that amount will be offered to the first person in line to post and until their initial desired amount is fulfilled IE if Joe Blow in Alberta is entitled to 2 lbs and he gives it up, the 2 lbs will go to Chin Lee to get his 5 lbs that he initially wanted. Then Ruth will get the next three lbs and OACalgary will get the next 8 lbs etc etc etc.

4) PICK UP - Since I don't have the room to store 30 lbs of gracilaria in my tank,
- All of you, please PM me by next Tuesday August 1st indicating which day and time you will be coming by to pick up your algae.
- if I don't get a PM from you by Tuesday, I will send you a a friendly PM reminder for an answer. If there is no response by Wednesday, I will assume you have forfeited your portion and will be re-distributed in the manner as discussed previously.
- Next Tuesday, you will all get a PM from me advising of the shared cost per pound. The amount WILL be rounded up to the nearest dollar IE $7.01 will be rounded to $8.00because a $0.99 tip is really not too much to ask for and its a lot easier to deal with than to deal with pennies and dimes.
- PLEASE BRING EXACT CHANGE. Otherwise, if I don't have change, I will take this opporunity to thank you in advance for the tip.
- if you cannot make it on either one of those days, set it up with another person on the list to pick it up for you. Then send me a PM of who it is.
- I will not hold it for anybody because I cannot. My sump will be filled as it already is.

Thank you everybody for your patience and understanding. I will keep you all posted.

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Old 07-25-2006, 08:41 AM
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I'm still in with my 2 lbs, if possible. (I was the 8thy person in, if that counts)

(Edit: Somehow I never seen the above post before posting this)

Last edited by Psyire; 07-25-2006 at 06:31 PM.
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Old 07-25-2006, 08:44 AM
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Old 07-25-2006, 03:06 PM
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wow sweet deal chin, that's great news!
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Old 07-25-2006, 03:50 PM
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wow! Thats really great! Looks like one of your group buys may succeed with flying colors! Great work Chin and thank you.

Doug & Shellie
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Old 07-25-2006, 03:56 PM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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Thanks Chin for setting all this up. That's totally awesome. My seahorses will be so happy with a field of red to latch onto.

BTW, I can hold some macro for those who can't pick up on time. I have a 25g with just LR & a 20g refugium & 50g sump that I can store extra macro in.

From past experience with red macro, this stuff sucks up iodine from your water like crazy. If you iodine levels are low, it will turn pale, then green & then fall apart completely. It also does not stand up to shipping very well & so it is highly advisable that the fastest mode of shipping be chosen or you'll likely end up with a bag of mush. Chin, if you don't have the time, send me the transhipping info & I'll hold the extra macro in my tanks under some full spectrum lighting & then ship it out the following Monday, since I work from home & the post office is just down the street from me.

Again, thanks Chin for setting up this & thanks NIH National Resource for Aplysia for this very generous donation.

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Old 07-25-2006, 03:59 PM
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That is very cool.

Great story.
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Old 07-25-2006, 04:15 PM
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Wow thats absolutely fantastic that they're making such a generous donation! What a great organization.
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Old 07-25-2006, 04:26 PM
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Truly very cool!
-- Tony
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Old 07-25-2006, 06:28 PM
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Wow! Thats fantastic!

Thank-you very much for all the time and effort Chin! And thank-you to the Miami National Resource Center for having made such a donation!

Chin, Im still in, and will send a PM.


No more tanks - Laying off the ReefCrack for awhile!
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