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Old 11-14-2018, 01:04 AM
Synthesis Synthesis is offline
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Default IM 25G Lagoon Tank Build

Hello Everyone,

So I am finally putting fingers to keyboard and starting a build thread that started back in late March with the purchase of the 25G IM Lagoon Tank. I thought ahead and made sure I snapped photos along the way of everything I was doing...

In fact, thinking ahead is actually the single biggest reason it's taken so long to get started. I researched everything half to death even though this is not my first reef tank. I left the hobby 10 years ago as life took me in another direction. Oh how the technology sure has changed...and yet the basics haven't changed at all.

Why did I decide to go with a 25G Lagoon? Size, clean look and less maintenance and upkeep was the first thoughts. Of course less maintenance and upkeep isn't actually true with less water volume. So scratch less maintenance and add bigger challenge to the list.

I personally love the lagoon style tanks. If done right they really do look great. So here is to hoping I can do it right.

I am looking to do a mixed reef with fish. Bare bottom is the goal to help with nutrient control. Skimmer and reactor (biopellets) and live rock will drive the filtration. Although I am seriously debating the skimmer. ATO and dosing will be done to help reduce overall maintenance (ATO is actually a must here).

For lighting, the 26HD Hydra will support the corals.

More to come. It's really good to be back!
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Old 11-15-2018, 11:27 PM
Synthesis Synthesis is offline
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Because it's a lagoon the bare bottom approach seemed logical. I don't want a snow storm and honestly I like the idea of lower nutrient build up potential. Will certainly get me closer to ULM tank.

I am going with an mp10qd for flow. Although I will say these pumps are not as quiet as they lead on to be. Vert...vert..vert...
Ok no more pulsing modes for you!!

The Skimmer I am using is the IM desktop ghost. Fits really nicely and is pretty much hidden. I love that. But ..this thing is noisy. Almost out the window noisy. Looking to see if it's a pump problem or not. Makes me consider a skimmerless tank even more.

Still working on getting photos added. A clunky process..
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Old 11-16-2018, 03:01 PM
Synthesis Synthesis is offline
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So here is a photo of the tank cycling. This was prior to the mp10qd.
As you can see, I was battling a number of different algaes out of the gate...

The tank is temporarily setup in my garage while I build the tank stand. More on that later.

Last edited by Synthesis; 11-16-2018 at 03:04 PM.
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Old 11-16-2018, 05:04 PM
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Right by the breaker box, convenient, in case you need to add a few more electrical outlets.

Wish mine was near a breaker box.
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Old 11-16-2018, 05:22 PM
Synthesis Synthesis is offline
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Haha. Only temporary. It's been sitting there longer then I have wanted it to. Water evap right by a breaker box is not recommend...

It was supposed to be very temporary...
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Old 11-16-2018, 11:20 PM
Synthesis Synthesis is offline
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What does everyone else use to embed photos in their posts. I seem to have got it to work if I share a link via Google photos but others have the image right in their post...
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Old 04-24-2019, 08:04 PM
Thanhk87 Thanhk87 is offline
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I also have bryopsis and i never medicate the tank. I just cut back my feeding by half and 30mins off my light timer and that seem to work.
I dont have direct sunlight but i do know i get a bloom in the summer time.
I just know this seem to work for me.

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Old 08-29-2019, 12:09 AM
Synthesis Synthesis is offline
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Default Update

Figured i would give an update. Tank is doing really well these days. Still battling with some small patche of bryopsis but its very manageable. My bigger issue is bubble algae and emerald crabs seem to be worthless for this. Any thoughts on curing this??

My flickr account is all screwed up otherwise I would have some new tank shots to show off.
I have added 8 SPS since my last update:
Cali tort
RR Pink Cadillac
Red Planet
Pink Lemonade
Red Diablo
Orange Setosa
Purple Voletta
Green birdsnest

Couple new fish: Royal Gramma, Purple Firefish Goby
Lost a fish: Yellow clown goby

Everything seems to be happy though. I have struggled to maintain my parameters unfortunately. One particular area is Calcium which is baffling me. I use IO Reef Crystals and do a water change about every 2 weeks now. But my Calcium is ALWAYS around 600. My alkalinity I dose daily to maintain 9dkh. Magnesium around 1400. I do not get how my calcium can be this high all the time. My red sea test kit cant even measure it thats how high it is. Never experienced this before. What could cause this?? I can't say I am overly happy with my coral growth either so something seems to be preventing the uptake of Calcium.

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Old 08-29-2019, 02:17 AM
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Bubble algae is a tough one. Some say Vibrant helps more say it doesn't. Manual removal is the most reliable, although this will be a never ending battle.

I once had a Sally Lightfoot Crab eat them like crazy (many many years ago).

Confirm your calcium readings with a completely different (brand) test kit. Have you tested the newly mixed salt? I know Reef Crystal can sometimes mix high but not in the 600 range.
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Old 08-29-2019, 03:47 PM
Synthesis Synthesis is offline
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That's a very good point to test the new saltwater. Its such a trusted saltwater that I didn't think it would mix high. I use the red Sea Pro calcium test kit and it's recently ranked best tester for calcium by BRS so I can't imagine it's the test kit. TBH, my calcium has always measured high since I owned the test kit. So at least it's consistent 😊.

I will test the calcium for the new water next time I do my water change.
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