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Old 08-06-2014, 01:12 AM
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Originally Posted by reefwars View Post
Make sure your old tanks have never had copper in them , marine inverts cannot handle the same amounts of copper as freshwater even just the silicone can cause issues.
I dont use copper for anything, and reseal every used tank i buy have luckily never had to use chemicals to treat anything. Worst thing ive had was ick and that was in quarantine tank. Gunna clean the tank im converting to salt really well before i do tho
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Old 08-06-2014, 01:14 AM
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A rinse in vinegar is fine if you know the tanks history

Are you running a sump?
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Old 08-06-2014, 01:26 AM
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Nope no sump, rock, power heads and hob skimmer
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Old 08-06-2014, 05:04 AM
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Do you guys really think that the so called live sand they sell is live or have any beneficial bacteria in it after sitting in those bags for a long time? I don't. Gimmick. But that's just my negative opinion. I'd rinse it. Only time I wouldn't is if a buddy took a cup or so out of his well established tank. Now that's live sand to me
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Old 08-06-2014, 05:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Madreefer View Post
Do you guys really think that the so called live sand they sell is live or have any beneficial bacteria in it after sitting in those bags for a long time? I don't. Gimmick. But that's just my negative opinion. I'd rinse it. Only time I wouldn't is if a buddy took a cup or so out of his well established tank. Now that's live sand to me
You're probably right Madreefer, to a point. Its been proven that bacteria can survive anywhere on Earth, from the highest peaks, to miles and miles down in the crust. They can also survive extreme conditions in temperatures and high and low atmospheric pressures that would turn us to jello. Damn... they even think it can survive thousands of years on asteroids and comets (although this has not been proven). Seems bacteria can go into a hibernation like state. I'm sure a few months stuck in a plastic bag doesn't have much of an effect on these little critters. I'm sure there is some die off, but lots survive.... and given the right conditions they multiple like... bacteria, Lol.
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Old 08-06-2014, 06:19 AM
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Im with u madreefer on the sceptism on bateria in a bag. Haha ivr always told ppl to not waste there money on the bb in a bottle for fw tanks. But im just gunna go with it on this, if it does anything then cool, if not then oh well haha ive decided that .gunna go buy a premix/holding tank tommorrow. Gunna pre.mix a bunch of water and add samd first then pump water from.the brute container into tank
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Old 08-06-2014, 08:58 AM
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No matter how you just to add your water and sand be prepared for a dust bowl for up to a couple of days.

You can add a few pieces of rock after all the water/sand has been added and the rock will actually help clear the fine dust considerably faster.

One of the most frustrating things about starting up a new tank is the cycling it can cycle in a matter of days or 2 or 3 weeks and by cycling I mean a brown algae referred to as a diatom bloom which is completely normal and it will cover everything.

In this hobby patience is key don't rush and never ever be afraid to ask questions tons of knowledgable people on this site.
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Old 08-06-2014, 09:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Dearth View Post
No matter how you just to add your water and sand be prepared for a dust bowl for up to a couple of days.

You can add a few pieces of rock after all the water/sand has been added and the rock will actually help clear the fine dust considerably faster.

One of the most frustrating things about starting up a new tank is the cycling it can cycle in a matter of days or 2 or 3 weeks and by cycling I mean a brown algae referred to as a diatom bloom which is completely normal and it will cover everything.

In this hobby patience is key don't rush and never ever be afraid to ask questions tons of knowledgable people on this site.
Yeah, i plan to add water and sand in the next day or 2, gunna leave power heads off until i get live rock. Hopefully ordering my lr from j&l on friday. Not sure what you mean about diatom and brown stuff covering everything lol from my experiemce with fw i know about cycleing tho, doesnt seem to be much diffrent to cycle fw and sw
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Old 08-06-2014, 09:11 AM
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Will brown algea go away? Haha or isbthat why ibwas advised to add cuc first after cycle is done
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Old 08-06-2014, 10:10 AM
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Your diatom bloom once it appears will happen over the course of a few days starting off small then gradually cover almost the entire tank it will be brown in colour then you can add your CuC which will start eating the bloom and then start another diatom bloom that will start another cycle. This is common to almost all new tank setups.

Diatom blooms basically start the seeding process if you will of bacteria in the tank which the inhabitants of the tank require
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